Cushny Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'cushny'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 7 records (displaying 1 to 7): Buy all | | Get all 7 records to view, to save and print for £30.00 |
These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Residents of Surrey
(1895) Kelly's Directory of Surrey includes this alphabetical Court Directory, listing private residents in the county. In fact, this listing is a little more comprehensive than the main directory, in that it includes residents of some London suburbs that, although in the county of Surrey, are not included in the Surrey directory. Residents are listed surname first, then christian name or initials, and postal address.CUSHNY. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Associate Members of the Institution of Civil Engineers
(1904) The Institution of Civil Engineers was established 2 January 1818, and incorporated by royal charter 3 June 1828. The annual report lists the names and addresses (throughout the world) of the four classes of member - members (M. Inst. C. E.), associate members (Assoc. M. Inst. C. E.), associates (Assoc. Inst. C. E.), students (Stud. Inst. C. E.) - with the dates of admission. This is the index to the Associate Members. The symbols at the left of each page are * for Former Students, + for contributors of papers published in the Minutes of Proceedings, or of an Engineering Conference Note; F for a deliverer of a James Forrest Lecture; L for a deliverer of one of the Special Series of Lectures; and various letters for recipients of certain medals and prizes - B, Bayliss Prize; C, Crampton Prize; f, James Forrest Medal; H, Howard Quinquennial Prize; J, Joule Medal; M, Miller Scholarship; m, Miller Prize; italic m, Manby Premium; S, George Stephenson Medal or Prize; T, Telford Premium; t, Telford Premium; italic t, Trevithick Premium; and W, Watt Medal. Those elected prior to 2 December 1878 had been transferred into this class by the Council.CUSHNY. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Medical Practitioners in Scotland
(1926) The Medical Directory was split into several sections. The Scottish section covered all medical practitioners resident within Scotland. Each year a schedule was sent to each doctor to be returned to the publishers, so as to keep the directory up to date. In the directory the doctor's name is given first, in bold, surname first, in capitals; then current address. Next are the qualifications; the italic abbreviations in parentheses following the qualifications indicate the medical school at which they were gained. Then there is a list of posts and honours within the profession, starting with those then current; previous posts are preceded by the word 'late'. Finally, brief details are given of any publications.CUSHNY. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| British Civil Servants
(1940) The British Imperial Calendar lists civil servants in Britain, arranged according to the organizational structure of the state, and shows their qualifications and salaries. CUSHNY. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Associate Members of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (A. M. I. Mech. E.)
(1947) The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, founded in 1847, was incorporated by royal charter in 1930. The list of members of 1 March 1947 gives the names (surname first) and addresses of the seven classes of member - Honorary Members (Hon. M. I. Mech. E.); Members (M. I. Mech. E.); Associate Members (A. M. I. Mech. E.); Companions (C. I. Mech. E.); Associates (A. I. Mech. E.); Graduates (G. I. Mech. E.); and Students (S. I. Mech. E.). The year of attaining qualification is given in the left-hand margin; in the higher grades the years of achieving the lower grades are also given, bracketed together. The crossed swords symbol indicates naval or military service during the Great War of 1914-1918; an italic b shows a member of the Benevolent Fund. (p) after a Graduate's or a Student's name indicates one who had passed the whole of the A. M. Examination or its recognized equivalent.CUSHNY. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Metropolitan-Vickers Ex-Apprentices and Ex-Trainees
(1950) The third edition of 'A Register of Ex-Apprentices and Ex-Trainees of the Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company Limited' was published in 1950. It contains 10,219 names of those who had been trained at Trafford Park, Manchester, between 1902 and the end of 1949. The compilation was based on the second edition (published in 1939) augmented by the answers to questionnaires, responded to by 74% of those included. Addresses for another 12% were updated. The entries are arranged alphabetically by surname (in capitals and bold) and forename. Then the period at Vickers (e. g., 46-48 for 1946 to 1948); year of birth; then highest career level within the company; and if removed to another company, the name of that (in bold) with year of joining. There are sections for any scholarship, war service, and present address, as of 1950. Names of the deceased are printed in italics.
In bold on the left hand side of each entry there is one or more of these abbreviations: C, College Apprentice; E, Special Trainee; k, Killed on Active Service, O. H. M. S.; Ls, Member, M-V. Long Service Association; o, Member, M-V. Overseas Association; P, Probationary College Apprentice; S, School Apprentice; Sp, Special Apprentice; T, Trade Apprentice; V, Vacation Apprentice; w, Member ex-British Westinghouse Association; and *, Present member of the M-V. Company.CUSHNY. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| British Civil Servants
(1953) The British Imperial Calendar lists civil servants in Britain, arranged according to the organizational structure of the state, and shows their qualifications and salaries. CUSHNY. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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