Teago Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'teago'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 6 records (displaying 1 to 6): Buy all | | Get all 6 records to view, to save and print for £28.00 |
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(1887) County Court Judgments in England and Wales. July to September 1887TEAGO. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Members of Durham University
(1910) The alphabetical list of all living members of Durham University, issued in 1910, was compiled from the Admission Book and University Register. It gives surname, initials, degree, college, and date. Those marked with an asterisk were Members of Convocation. In the case of graduates in Arts, Theology (except in the case of Bachelors of Divinity) and Civil Law, the dates refer to the year in which the examination for the degree of B.A. was passed; in the case of Bachelors of Divinity who were not Graduates in Arts, of Licentiates in Theology, of Civil Engineers, and of Licentiates in Medicine, to the year in which each passed the Final Examination. In the case of Hygiene, Science, and Music, to the year in which the Examination for B.Hy., B.Sc., or B.Mus. was passed; and in the case of Graduates in Medicine to the year in which the Examination for the degree of M.B. was passed, except in the case of practitioners, when the date refers to the year in which the examination for the degree specified was passed. In cases where no date is given the degree is Ad Eundem, unless it is marked honorary. The abbreviations are: Arms., Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Codr., Codrington College, Barbados; Cos., Bishop Cosin's Hall; F. Bay, Fourah Bay, Sierra Leone; Hatf., Bishop Hatfield's Hall; Med., College of Medicine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; St. Chad's, St Chad's Hall; St. John's, St John's Hall; Univ., University College.TEAGO. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Post Office workers
(1937) The Civil Service Commission issued a monthly report listing certificates issued to civil servants of various grades on their initial appointment (whether after open competition, or without); assignments to higher grades; and transfers between departments. This is the report for June 1937: the sample scan is from the listing for post office clerks. The listings for the Post Office cover clerks, shorthand typists, typists and clerical assistants; female sorting assistants in London; male and female sorting clerks and telegraphists (geographical area always stated); night telephonists and call office attendants (area stated); telephonists (area stated); postmen (area stated); mail porters; assistant engineers and probationary assistant engineers; mail porters on the Post Office (London) Railway; skilled workmen; mechanics-in-charge; temporary postmen-messengers; storemen in the Stores Department; and sales representatives.TEAGO. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Chartered Electrical Engineers (M. I. E. E.)
(1939) The Institution of Electrical Engineers was founded in 1871 under the name of The Society of Telegraph Engineers, and incorporated by royal charter in 1921. The list of members, corrected to 1 September 1939, gives the names and addresses of the various grades of members. Members (M. I. E. E.) and Associate Members (A. M. I. E. E.) were entitled to describe themselves as Chartered Electrical Engineers. Then there are the Associates (Associate I. E. E.), Companions (Companion I. E. E.), Graduates (Graduate I. E. E.) and Students (Student I. E. E.). The names are given in bold, surname first; before each name is the year of attaining that grade; and for the higher grades the year of each lower grade is also given, e. g. (G. 1931).TEAGO. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Chartered Electrical Engineers (M. I. E. E. and A. M. I. E. E.)
(1951) The Institution of Electrical Engineers was founded in 1871 under the name of The Society of Telegraph Engineers, and incorporated by royal charter in 1921. This list of members, corrected to 2 July 1951, gives the names and addresses of the Members (M. I. E. E.) and Associate Members (A. M. I. E. E.), all of whom were entitled to describe themselves as Chartered Electrical Engineers. The names are given in bold, surname first; before each name is the year of attaining the grade of Associate Member (AM) or Member (M); and, before the address, the year of reaching each lower grade is also given, e. g. (G. 1931), G standing for Graduate, S for Student. Where the engineer was also a member of one of the institution's specialized sections, this abbreviation is given, in bold: M, Measurements Section; R, Radio Section; S, Supply Section; U, Utilization Section.TEAGO. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Inhabitants of Liverpool
(1955) Kelly's (Gore's) Directory of Liverpool and District includes this alphabetical list of residents and traders, with names, addresses, and (where applicable) telephone numbers. Covering a large area around Liverpool, the directory includes Bootle, Birkenhead and Wallasey, and thus the populous areas of southwest Lancashire and of the Wirral peninsula of Cheshire. TEAGO. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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