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Our indexes include entries for the spelling cattley. In the period you have requested, we have the following 131 records (displaying 81 to 90): 

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Traders and professionals in London (1856)
The Post Office London Directory for 1856 includes this 'Commercial and Professional Directory', recording over 100,000 individuals.
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Traders and professionals in London
Anglican Clergy in England and Wales (1858)
The Clergy List for 1858 includes this comprehensive list of Anglican clergymen in England and Wales, whether beneficed or not. The names are arranged alphabetically by surname, and christian name or initials, with degree, and current office.
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Anglican Clergy in England and Wales
Dissolutions of partnerships in England and Wales (1858)
Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette, issued monthly, included lists of dissolutions of partnerships gazetted in England and Wales. The names of the partners are given in full, surnames in capitals, followed by trade and address, and date of the end of the partnership. Each entry usually ends with the phrase 'Debts by ...', indicating which partner intended to continue, and resume the responsibilities of, the business. This is the index to the names of the partners, from the issues from January to December 1858.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Dissolutions of partnerships in England and Wales
Trustees and solicitors in England and Wales (1858)
Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette, issued monthly, included lists of assignments of bankrupts' estates. Each entry gives the name of the bankrupt (surname first, in capitals), the date (in brackets), address and trade; followed by the names and addresses of the trustees to whom the estate was delivered, and the name and address of the solicitor. This is the index to the names of the trustees and solicitors, from the issues from January to December 1858.
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Trustees and solicitors in England and Wales
Boys entering Loretto School (1855-1859)
The Reverend Dr Thomas Langhorne, who came to Musselburgh in Midlothian as an Episcopalian Church clergyman, established a small school for boarders and day scholars at Loretto House, so called because the grounds contained the ruins of the mediaeval chapel of St Mary of Loretto. To celebrate the centenary of the school in 1925, a second edition of the school register was published, edited by A. H. Buchanan-Dunlop. Relatively little was known of many of the earliest scholars, but from 1835 onwards the register generally gives full name, in capitals, surname first; date of birth; period of time at Loretto; a brief biography; date of death; whether brother of any other boy in the register; and a sequential number.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Boys entering Loretto School
Members of Oxford University (1860)
The Oxford University Calendar for 1860 includes this list of all living members of the university, i. e. not only undergraduates and members of staff, but also all surviving graduates from earlier generations. The names are arranged alphabetically by surname, then by college in order of foundation. Surnames are given, initials, highest degree, name of college, and then the year of graduating the first degree. For undergraduates only name and college is given. An asterisk before a surname indicates a member on the foundation of the college.
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Members of Oxford University
Boys entering Sherborne School (1861)
The grammar school at Sherborne in Dorset, which doubtless existed from the creation of the diocese of Sherborne in 705, was refounded by king Edward VI in 1550. At the quatercentenary in 1950, a fourth edition of the Sherborne Register was published, listing boys entering the school during those four centuries. In truth, the materials for this register survive but fitfully before 1823; for some years, no names are known; sometimes all that is known is a surname. But from 1823 onwards the lists and the details get steadily more comprehensive. By the 20th century the boys are listed alphabetically by surname under term of entrance. Surname is given in bold, then christian names, name of father (surname and initials) and address; year of birth; house (a, School House; b, Abbey House; c, The Green; d, Harper House (formerly The Retreat); f, Abbeylands; g, Lyon House; h, Westcott House); whether represented the school at cricket (xi), football (xv), shooting (viii), &c.; year of leaving; summary of degrees, career &c.; and (in italics), address as of 1950. Names in the early lists marked with an asterisk are found inscribed on the oak panelling or on the stone walls of the former schoolroom. (F) in the lists indicates a foundationer, receiving free education: after 1827, when this privilege was restricted to boys from Sherborne and neighbourhood, nearly all foundationers were day-boys.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Boys entering Sherborne School
Members of the Royal Agricultural Society of England (1861)
The list of members of the Royal Agricultural Society gives names and addresses: life members are indicated by a dagger. (The names of 60 members were omitted on account of their subscriptions to the society being in arrear to 31 December 1859). This list is correct to June 1861; as of 11 December of that year there were 84 life governors, 95 annual governors, 1124 life members, 3399 annual members and 17 honorary members, making a total of 4719 names, mostly of landowners and agriculturists.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Members of the Royal Agricultural Society of England
Boys entering Sherborne School (1867)
The grammar school at Sherborne in Dorset, which doubtless existed from the creation of the diocese of Sherborne in 705, was refounded by king Edward VI in 1550. At the quatercentenary in 1950, a fourth edition of the Sherborne Register was published, listing boys entering the school during those four centuries. In truth, the materials for this register survive but fitfully before 1823; for some years, no names are known; sometimes all that is known is a surname. But from 1823 onwards the lists and the details get steadily more comprehensive. By the 20th century the boys are listed alphabetically by surname under term of entrance. Surname is given in bold, then christian names, name of father (surname and initials) and address; year of birth; house (a, School House; b, Abbey House; c, The Green; d, Harper House (formerly The Retreat); f, Abbeylands; g, Lyon House; h, Westcott House); whether represented the school at cricket (xi), football (xv), shooting (viii), &c.; year of leaving; summary of degrees, career &c.; and (in italics), address as of 1950. Names in the early lists marked with an asterisk are found inscribed on the oak panelling or on the stone walls of the former schoolroom. (F) in the lists indicates a foundationer, receiving free education: after 1827, when this privilege was restricted to boys from Sherborne and neighbourhood, nearly all foundationers were day-boys.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Boys entering Sherborne School
Inhabitants of Worcester (1868)
Gentry, farmers and traders listed in J. E. R. Kelly's Post Office Directory of Worcestershire. (The sample scan is of the section for the little parish of Hadzor)
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Inhabitants of Worcester
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