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Our indexes include entries for the spelling dunkin. In the period you have requested, we have the following 194 records (displaying 151 to 160): 

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East Kent Registered Electors: Selling (1865)
The poll for two knights of the shire to represent the Eastern Division of the county of Kent in parliament was taken 18 July 1865, the candidates being Sir Edward Cholmeley Dering, bart., (D), Sir Brook William Bridges, bart., (B), and Sir Norton Joseph Knatchbull, bart., (K). This poll book lists all registered electors, whether they voted or not, by electoral district (Ashford, Canterbury, Dover, Faversham, Hythe, Margate, Ramsgate, Romney, Sandwich, Sheerness, Sittingbourne, Whitstable and Wingham) and then by township or parish within which lay the property whereby the electors had qualified. The lefthand column gives sequential number in the whole volume; then follows the elector's full name, surname first, and his address (often elsewhere); and on the righthand side for whom he voted. When the elector was qualified in duplicate the vote is recorded opposite to the number upon which he claimed to vote at the polling booth, and wherever his name occurs elsewhere a reference is made, immediately after the address, to the number where his vote is recorded, with the initials of the candidates for whom he voted. Duplicate voters who were dead at the time of the election, or did not vote, are printed in italics to signify that they did not vote, or are stated to be dead once only; and wherever the names of such electors occur elsewhere references are made to the numbers where alone they are reckoned in the abstract of the poll as dead or not voting. Whenever a number only, without any other reference, follows the address, it denotes that at the number referred to, the elector is entered as not voting.
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East Kent Registered Electors: Selling
Associates of the Institute of Civil Engineers (1867)
The Institute of Civil Engineers was established by charter of George IV in 1828. The four classes of the institution were the Members, Associates, Graduates and Honorary Members. This membership list, corrected to 1 January 1867, lists associates alphabetically by surname and christian name, with date of election, and address.
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Associates of the Institute of Civil Engineers
Baptists (1873)
The Baptist was a weekly newspaper, with some general news and political coverage, but mainly devoted to chronicling Denominational Intelligence, i. e. the doings of the Baptist churches in Britain and Ireland. January to June 1873.
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Metropolitan Bank Shareholders (1873)
Copy of the return by the Metropolitan Bank Ltd to the Inland Revenue listing the 'persons of whom the Company or partnership consists', pursuant to 7 & 8 Vic. cap. 32: giving full name (surname first), residence and occupation.
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Metropolitan Bank Shareholders
Boys entering Haileybury College, Hertfordshire (1874)
Haileybury College, near Hertford, was founded by the East India Company in 1806, and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1864. This register of pupils entering the school from 1862 to 1931 was edited by a master there, Laurence Arthur Speakman. The boys are listed by term of joining the school, and then alphabetically by name (in bold), surname first (in capitals). There is then usually a precise birthdate, and the name and address of his father; his period at the school, starting with abbreviations to indicate the house to which he belonged (B., Batten; B. F., Bartle Frere; C., Colvin; E., Edmonstone; Ha., Hailey; Hi., Highfield; L., Lawrence; Le B., Le Bas; M., Melvill; Th., Thomason; T., Trevelyan), and the first and last forms attended (e. g., IV., fourth form). Where a member of a school team there is then an indication (e. g., XI., cricket). For some pupils, with whom the school had lost touch, Speakman was only able to record the details of their time at Haileybury; but for most a brief career synopsis is then given, and current address (as in 1931) or date of death.
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Boys entering Haileybury College, Hertfordshire
English Pupil Teachers training to become Schoolmistresses (1878)
The Education Department set examinations for candidates for admission into training colleges, and to become teachers. This is the class list (in order of merit) of the pupil teachers who passed that examination at Christmas 1878. The list gives the candidate's name (surname first) (prefixed by an asterisk where she was examined on second-year papers), and the school in which engaged (N. for National School, Ch. Church of England, B. British School, W. Wesleyan, R. Roman Catholic, P. Parochial, Bd. Board School, Indl. Industrial School). (The sample scan is from the list for Scottish schoolmistresses)
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English Pupil Teachers training to become Schoolmistresses
National ArchivesMen of the 3rd Regiment of Foot (East Kent - the Buffs) fighting in South Africa (1877-1879)
What is commonly called the Zulu War Medal was awarded to those British soldiers who fought in a series of conflicts in southern Africa from 1877 (the Kaffir War) through to 1879 (the Zulu War). In 1880 the various units submitted returns of the officers, non-commissioned officers and men 'entitled to the Medal for Military Operations in South Africa during 1877-8-9' and these 'medal rolls' are now in the National Archives. The returns are made with the information arranged in twelve columns: 1. Rank and name 2. Regimental number and rank at the time the medal was earned 3. Whether in possession of medal for previous wars 4. Whether engaged against the Gaikas, Galekas and other Kaffir tribes 1877-8 5. Whether engaged against Pokwane 1878 6. Whether engaged against the Griquas 1878 7. Whether engaged against the Zulus 1879 8. Whether engaged against Sekukuni as set forth in Par. 2. G. O. 9. Whether engaged against Moirosi's stronghold 10. Entitled to medal without clasp under Par. 4. 11. Serving with regiment, depot, dead, discharged, deserted, &c. 12. Notes and cross-references to the Adjutant-General's medal lists. WO 100/46.
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Men of the 3rd Regiment of Foot (East Kent  -  the Buffs) fighting in South Africa
Elementary Teachers in Rossendale (1880)
The National Union of Elementary Teachers, established in 1870, brought together members of the profession throughout England and Wales, organized in local Teachers' Associations. Lists of members of the associations were printed in the annual reports. Each association's officers are listed first, then the ordinary members. Surnames are given, Mr/Mrs/Miss, initial(s), and the name of the school - B. S., British School; Bd. S., Board School; Congl. S., Congregational School; End. S., Endowed School; Gr. S., Grammar School; N. S., National School; Par. S., Parochial School; Pres. S., Presbyterian School; R. C. S., Roman Catholic School; Undl. S., Undenominational School; W. S., Wesleyan School.
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Elementary Teachers in Rossendale
Elementary Teachers in Thame (1880)
The National Union of Elementary Teachers, established in 1870, brought together members of the profession throughout England and Wales, organized in local Teachers' Associations. Lists of members of the associations were printed in the annual reports. Each association's officers are listed first, then the ordinary members. Surnames are given, Mr/Mrs/Miss, initial(s), and the name of the school - B. S., British School; Bd. S., Board School; Congl. S., Congregational School; End. S., Endowed School; Gr. S., Grammar School; N. S., National School; Par. S., Parochial School; Pres. S., Presbyterian School; R. C. S., Roman Catholic School; Undl. S., Undenominational School; W. S., Wesleyan School.
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Elementary Teachers in Thame
Missing Next-of-Kin and Heirs-at-Law (1880)
The Unclaimed Money Registry and Next-of-Kin Advertisement Office of F. H. Dougal & Co., on the Strand in London, published a comprehensive 'Index to Advertisements for Next of Kin, Heirs at Law, Legatees, &c., &c., who have been Advertised for to Claim Money and Property in Great Britain and all Parts of the World; also Annuitants, Shareholders, Intestates, Testators, Missing Friends, Creditors or their Representatives, Claimants, Unclaimed and Reclaimed Dividends and Stock, Citations, Administrations, Rewards for Certificates, Wills, Advertisements, &c., Claims, Unclaimed Balances, Packages, Addresses, Parish Clerks' Notices, Foreign Intestates, &c., &c.' The original list was compiled about 1860, but from materials dating back even into the 18th century: most of the references belong to 1850 to 1880. For each entry only a name is given, sometimes with a placename added in brackets: there may be a reference number, but there is no key by which the original advertisement may be traced. The enquirer of the time had to remit £1 for a 'Full and Authentic Copy of the Original Advertisement, together with name and date of newspaper in which the same appeared'.
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Missing Next-of-Kin and Heirs-at-Law 
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