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Our indexes include entries for the spelling essex. In the period you have requested, we have the following 354 records (displaying 251 to 260): 

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Inhabitants of Leigh in Worcestershire (1868)
Gentry, farmers and traders listed in J. E. R. Kelly's Post Office Directory of Worcestershire. (The sample scan is of the section for the little parish of Hadzor)
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Inhabitants of Leigh in Worcestershire
Inhabitants of Malvern Wells in Worcestershire (1868)
Gentry, farmers and traders listed in J. E. R. Kelly's Post Office Directory of Worcestershire. (The sample scan is of the section for the little parish of Hadzor)
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Inhabitants of Malvern Wells in Worcestershire
Infants in Dublin (South) Workhouse (1872)
Return, “with Christian and Surname of each, of Infants Born in Irish Workhouses, or Admitted thereto when Healthy under Twelve Months Old, and attempted to be Reared therein during the Years 1872 to 1874, showing what has since become of them”. The returns from each poor law union workhouse give: Christian and Surname of Infant Born in the Workhouse, or Admitted Healthy, under Twelve Months; Year; and whether discharged, healthy, in hospital, or dead.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Infants in Dublin (South) Workhouse
Baptists (1873)
The Baptist was a weekly newspaper, with some general news and political coverage, but mainly devoted to chronicling Denominational Intelligence, i. e. the doings of the Baptist churches in Britain and Ireland. January to June 1873.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
London Telegraph Clerks (1870-1874)
This list of persons irregularly admitted to the service of the Post Office from the date of the transfer of the telegraphs, 29 January 1870, to 30 September 1874, extends to 3653 names. The return gives full name (surname first, married women indicated by Mrs.); age when admitted; service to which admitted; and last previous employment.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
London Telegraph Clerks
Freeholders in county Dublin (1873-1875)
Owners of an acre or more, whether resident there or elsewhere: with their addresses; the acreage; and a valuation of the land. The survey commenced in February 1873, the last returns being received in November 1875.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Freeholders in county Dublin
Freeholders in county Meath (1873-1875)
Owners of an acre or more, whether resident there or elsewhere: with their addresses; the acreage; and a valuation of the land. The survey commenced in February 1873, the last returns being received in November 1875.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Freeholders in county Meath
Freeholders in county Wicklow (1873-1875)
Owners of an acre or more, whether resident there or elsewhere: with their addresses; the acreage; and a valuation of the land. The survey commenced in February 1873, the last returns being received in November 1875.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Freeholders in county Wicklow
Pupil Teachers training to become masters in Elementary Schools (1875)
The Education Department set examinations for candidates for admission into training colleges, and to become teachers. This is the class list (in order of merit) of the men who took the examination to become masters in elementary schools at Christmas 1875. The candidates' names are listed alphabetically by surname within each division, with school in which engaged (N. for National School, Ch. Church of England, B. British School, W. Wesleyan, R. Roman Catholic, P. Parochial, Bd. Board School, Indl. Industrial School). (The sample scan is from a general class list for schoolmistresses)
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Pupil Teachers training to become masters in Elementary Schools
Trainee Schoolmistresses in England and Wales (1876)
The Education Department set examinations for candidates for admission into training colleges, and for the office of teacher. This is the list of successful female candidates from England and Wales at the examination in July 1876. The number in the first column shows order of merit in each class in the examination; then there is the name of the candidate (surname, christian name and any intermediate initial(s)), the school in which engaged, and the training college at which examined. The names of pupil teachers are shown in italics, with the 'school in which engaged' column left blank. These abbreviations are used in the names of schools: B., British; Bd., Board; Ch., Church of England; N., National; P., Parochial; R. C., Roman Catholic; U., Poor Law Union; W., Wesleyan Methodist.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Trainee Schoolmistresses in England and Wales
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