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Our indexes include entries for the spelling pearson. In the period you have requested, we have the following 2,713 records (displaying 2,351 to 2,360): 

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Boys entering Giggleswick School (1909)
The school at Giggleswick in the West Riding of Yorkshire dates from at least 1507, but no register of the boys attending there has survived earlier than one started by the headmaster, the reverend George Style, in 1875. When the bursar, H. L. Mullins, prepared this, 'The Giggleswick School Register', printed in 1913, he was able to compile general details of some scholars from earlier years, but the concerted, reasonably complete, account starts in 1859. The details are arranged by term of entry, then alphabetically by surname and christian name. Typically each description gives full name; date of birth; name and address of father; date of leaving. Where known, Mullins then added a brief career synopsis, present address in 1913, or date of death. From 1869 onwards boarders were admitted to the school, and where it is known that a boy was a day scholar, the word (Town) is added after his name; and from 1902 onwards school house names, where known, are given in brackets after the name. Of course, in the case of boys entering the school in the years immediately before 1913, their career lay in the future, and the record is just that of their name, school house, date of birth, and parentage.
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Boys entering Giggleswick School
Boys entering King William's College, Isle of Man (1909)
King William's College at Castletown on the Isle of Man was established in 1830. By 1928 about 290 boys were being educated there, 'of whom three-fourths are boarders, and the remainders sons of natives or residents in the Island.' Boys entered the junior school about 9 or 10 years of age, the upper school about 13; boys over 13 were not admitted 'unless attainments and character are specially satisfactory'. There were 'several nominations for the sons of clergy and others'. Editions of the college register were published in 1905 and 1927. When this third edition was prepared, in 1956, it was felt unnecessary to repeat the whole of the register from 1830 onwards, a new starting point being chosen as September 1886, when the reverend Frank Bridgman Walters took office as principal. The items are arranged alphabetically within term of entry; surname is given first, in bold, and then full christian names; then, to the right, in bold, precise date of birth, school house, and month of leaving the school. The abbreviations for houses are: C, Colbourne; D, Dickson; H, Hunt; Ha, Hangoside; J, Junior House; R, Raglan; S, School House (formerly Principal's); T, town houses occupied by masters who took in boys prior to September 1889; Tr, Trafford's; W, Walters. Each entry then gives the boy's father's name (surname and initials) and address at that time; school honours (such as Prae., praepositor, XI, school cricket team); a career synopsis; and finally, in italics, to the right, year of death, or present address in 1956, if known.
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Boys entering King William's College, Isle of Man
Leeds University B. A. (1905-1910)
Leeds University Calendar for the academic year 1910 to 1911 includes lists of graduates. Full names are given, surname first, with year of graduation.
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Leeds University B. A.
Boys entering Gresham's School (1910)
The Sir John Gresham Grammar School at Holt in Norfolk was founded by sir John, who bought the manor house there in 1546 to convert it into a school, and building work had started by 1555. To celebrate the quatercentenary in 1955, a history of the school written by the Reverend C. L. S. Linnell was published, together with an Alumni Greshamienses, a register of boys entering the school from 1562 to 1954, compiled by A. B. Douglas. The materials to hand for the register for the early years were slight; the first coherent lists of boys survive only from 1729, and then are fitful, with little detail, and largely missing from 1784 to 1803; however, from 1810 onwards the names of boys' parents are usually recorded. The register is arranged chronologically by year (and from 1900 by term - L, Lent; M, Michaelmas; S, Summer), and then alphabetically by surname (in capitals) and christian name(s). Where known, year of birth is then given (in brackets), names, addresses and occupations of parents. From 1900 onwards there are italic abbreviations for sporting achievements at school (h, hockey colours; VIII, shooting colours; S, first-class swimmer; XI, cricket colours; XV, football colours), and p for house prefect and P for school prefect; then (in italics) information about the boy's adult life, and his address (where living) at the time of publication. Finally, on the right hand side of the page, in italics, is given the year of his leaving the school. Most detail is absent before 1810; and, of course, for the boys still at school in 1955, or only recently left, there are no details of future career; nor are there the usual details about their parentage. From 1898 onwards day boys are noted with an italic D (N means Newquay dayboy); and from 1900 onwards the school houses are shown (B, Bengal Lodge; F, Farfield; H, School House or Howson's; K, Kenwyn; O, Old School House; W, Woodlands); and, for the junior school, c, Crossways; k, Kenwyn; o, Old School House).
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Boys entering Gresham's School
Civil Servants and Office Holders (1910)
The Imperial Calendar gives lists of officials and office-holders throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
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Civil Servants and Office Holders
Inhabitants of Alderley Edge near Macclesfield in Cheshire (1910)
Alphabetical list of inhabitants from Seed's Macclesfield and District Directory.
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Inhabitants of Alderley Edge near Macclesfield in Cheshire
Inhabitants of Bollington near Macclesfield in Cheshire (1910)
Alphabetical list of inhabitants from Seed's Macclesfield and District Directory.
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Inhabitants of Bollington near Macclesfield in Cheshire
Inhabitants of Bramhall near Macclesfield in Cheshire (1910)
Alphabetical list of inhabitants from Seed's Macclesfield and District Directory.
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Inhabitants of Bramhall near Macclesfield in Cheshire
Inhabitants of Congleton near Macclesfield in Cheshire (1910)
Alphabetical list of inhabitants from Seed's Macclesfield and District Directory.
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Inhabitants of Congleton near Macclesfield in Cheshire
Inhabitants of Macclesfield in Cheshire (1910)
Alphabetical list of inhabitants from Seed's Macclesfield and District Directory. (j) indicates journeyman.
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Inhabitants of Macclesfield in Cheshire
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