Add this eBook to your basket to receive access to all 124 records. Our indexes include entries for the spelling smee. In the period you have requested, we have the following 124 records (displaying 101 to 110): These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Unclaimed Naval Prize Money
(1855-1902) Various prize moneys were awarded to officers and men who served on board her Majesty's ships. For one reason or another a substantial number of these prizes, from as little as a shilling or two to as much as many pounds, remained undistributed by 1902, when this comprehensive list of the unclaimed moneys was printed: it lists unclaimed shares of prize money, slave and pirate bounties, salvage awards, parliamentary grants, gratuities and other moneys distributed by the Admiralty 1855 to 1902, but which omits moneys for service on the China Station during the war of 1856 to 1880, and special gratuities for service in Egypt (1882), Soudan (1884) and Soudan and Nile Expedition (1884-1885), for which there are separate indexes. In each case the sailor's name is given first (surname, then christian name or initials); rank or rating; ship in which serving at time of capture or award; and the amount due. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Boys entering Clifton College
(1907) Clifton College near Bristol was established in 1862. This edition of the Clifton College Annals and Register for the Old Cliftonian Society by F. Borwick was published in 1925. Boys are listed alphabetically by term of entry, with full names, surname first, in bold. Father's (or widowed mother's) name is given (surname and initials) in capitals, and address. Then there is the name of the house (N. T., North Town; S. H., School House; S. T., South Town), first and last forms, distinctions in school work and games, and month of leaving. Where known, the editor then gave a career summary with month of death; or, if still living, address as in 1925 (in italics). | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Soldiers wounded in the Great War: Essex Regiment
(1916) Lists of names of soldiers wounded, died of wounds, died, killed, missing presumed dead, and taken prisoner by the enemy, were issued to the British national press under the title Roll of Honour. Each man is identified by surname, initials and number. The regimental returns from which the daily Roll was compiled were made up over the previous week or weeks. Each regimental return may be partial, covering only part of the alphabet. The lists are provisional, in that a man reported wounded one day may appear as died of wounds later; a missing presumed dead may later be reported as having been found, or as having died; the lists of prisoners of war were provided by the enemy and will relate to captures weeks earlier. However, these rolls are the most comprehensive single source of names of British and allied combatants meeting with misfortune in the Great War. This is the roll published 1 August 1916. The sample scan is taken from a section of the Roll of Honour for the Manchester Regiment. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Corporate Secretaries
(1928) The Chartered Institute of Secretaries of Joint Stock Companies and other Public Bodies was founded in 1891 and incorporated by royal charter in 1902. This membership list (corrected to 2 October 1928, and printed in the annual Proceedings), arranged alphabetically by surname and initials, gives the year of being elected Associate (A.) and/or Fellow (F.), and current professional office. As of 31 August 1928 there were 2201 fellows and 3907 associates. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Anglican clergy
(1930) Crockford's Clerical Directory listed all Anglican clergy in the British Isles, India, the colonies, Europe, Asia and South America. The 59th annual issue, for 1930, is based on returns from all the individuals listed. The details given are: name (surname first, in capitals) in bold, prefixed by an asterisk in the case of university electors, and by a dagger whether the return had not been made, or it had been imperfectly filled up; name of theological college and/or university, and degrees, with years; a bold d followed by year and diocese signifies date of ordination as deacon and by which bishop; then a bold p, similarly for ordination as priest; posts (C: curate; I: incumbent; V; vicar; R: rector) with parishes and years; address; telephone number; and lists of books &c. where appropriate. In the case of the man then holding an English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh benefice, additional details are given - a bold P signifies the patron of the advowson; then the income, with items such as Q. A. B. (Queen Anne's Bounty), Eccles(iastical) Comm(issioners), Fees, e. o. (Easter Offerings), Pew Rents, T(ithe) R(ent) C(harge), Gl(ebe), &c. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Picture Judging Competition Prizewinners
(1935) The 'Help Yourself' Society, inaugurated by The Stock Exchange Dramatic & Operatic Society, organized a picture judging competition for their Christmas Charity Fund, 1935. Of the thousands of entries received, 3,377 were awarded prizes, and there were also some consolation prizes. The prize list gives number (in order of merit), name and address. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Inhabitants of Blackheath, Lee, Greenwich, Eltham and Mottingham
(1937) Kelly's Directory of Blackheath, Lee, Greenwich, Eltham &c. includes this directory of private residents, listed alphabetically by surname and christian name, with address, covering an area extending from the river Thames on the north to Mottingham and Grove Park on the south, and from Eltham on the east to Deptford Creek and Hither Green on the west. These abbreviations are used in the addresses: B, Blackheath; D, Deptford; E G, East Greenwich; G, Greenwich; L, Lee; and Lew, Lewisham. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Imperial Service Medal
(1938) The Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood at St James's Palace announced these awards by king George VI of the Imperial Service Medal to officers of the Home Civil Service. The names are arranged alphabetically by surname (in capitals) and christian names, with office or rank in the service. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Chartered Electrical Engineers (A. M. I. E. E.)
(1939) The Institution of Electrical Engineers was founded in 1871 under the name of The Society of Telegraph Engineers, and incorporated by royal charter in 1921. The list of members, corrected to 1 September 1939, gives the names and addresses of the various grades of members. Members (M. I. E. E.) and Associate Members (A. M. I. E. E.) were entitled to describe themselves as Chartered Electrical Engineers. Then there are the Associates (Associate I. E. E.), Companions (Companion I. E. E.), Graduates (Graduate I. E. E.) and Students (Student I. E. E.). The names are given in bold, surname first; before each name is the year of attaining that grade; and for the higher grades the year of each lower grade is also given, e. g. (G. 1931). | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| London Telephone Subscribers
(1939) The London telephone directory lists subscribers alphabetically by surname and then by christian name or initials, with their postal address and telephone number. This is the L to Z directory issued in May 1939, but also contains some names from earlier in the alphabet, for instance in the separate section for midwives. The London telephone districts comprised not only the city centre, but also the very extensive suburbs in the Home Counties (Essex, Kent, Surrey and Middlesex). | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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