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Our indexes include entries for the spelling tennant. In the period you have requested, we have the following 673 records (displaying 191 to 200): 

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Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions (1816)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
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Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
Anglican Clergy (1817)
The Clerical Guide for 1817 includes this alphabetical list of rectors (R.), vicars (V.) and other Anglican clergy. Names of the king's chaplains-in-ordinary, and of churches and chapels of peculiar or exempt jurisdiction, are printed in italics. The clergy are listed more or less alphabetically by surname, with initial or christian name.
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Anglican Clergy
Yorkshire West Riding Freeholders (1817)
A ballot was held at Wakefield 12 to 16 May 1817 for the choice of a new Register (registrar) for the West Riding Registry of Deeds, following the death of J. A. Busfeild esq. The candidates were Francis Hawksworth, esq. (1) and William Lister Fenton Scott esq. (2). 2544 freeholders voted, qualification being male adults in possession of at least £100 per annum. This alphabetical poll book was compiled from the scrutators' and poll clerks' books: it gives full name (surname first) and residence, as well as the situation of the qualifying freehold. Each man's name is preceded by a 1 or 2, indicating for whom his vote was cast.
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Yorkshire West Riding Freeholders
Workers at McConnel & Kennedy's Cotton Mill, Manchester (1818)
The minutes of evidence taken before the Lords Committee on the Cotton Factories Bill include a series of reports by medical men as to the general health of the mill workers in April 1818. For each factory there is a complete list of workers, giving full name, age, how long employed in a factory, health (in general terms, such as 'Good' or 'Sickly'), and any chronic disease or 'distortion', cause and duration - with slight variations from report to report. The physicians examined several hundred people each day, asking such questions as 'Have you any swellings or sores anywhere?', 'Are your limbs straight?', 'Have you a good appetite for food?', 'Do you conceive yourself to be in good health?', and all concluded that the health of the mill workers was good, and that the workers were cheerful. This is the report for McConnel & Kennedy's cotton spinning factory in Manchester, 21 April 1818.
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Workers at McConnel & Kennedy's Cotton Mill, Manchester
Workers at Pollard's Cotton Mill, Manchester (1818)
The minutes of evidence taken before the Lords Committee on the Cotton Factories Bill include a series of reports by medical men as to the general health of the mill workers in April 1818. For each factory there is a complete list of workers, giving full name, age, how long employed in a factory, health (in general terms, such as 'Good' or 'Sickly'), and any chronic disease or 'distortion', cause and duration - with slight variations from report to report. The physicians examined several hundred people each day, asking such questions as 'Have you any swellings or sores anywhere?', 'Are your limbs straight?', 'Have you a good appetite for food?', 'Do you conceive yourself to be in good health?', and all concluded that the health of the mill workers was good, and that the workers were cheerful. This is the report for Pollard's spinning mill in Manchester, 20 April 1818.
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Workers at Pollard's Cotton Mill, Manchester
Boys entering Sedbergh School (1799-1819)
B. Wilson prepared this edition of the register of the Grammar School at Sedbergh in the West Riding of Yorkshire, published in 1895. Sedbergh school had three exhibitions at St John's College, Cambridge, and for the earliest years little more could be found about the pupils at the school than was recorded at St John's or other colleges. In 1700-1706 the first material from Sedbergh appears, but no more than lists of surnames. From 1746 onwards full names, or surnames and initials, are found for those boys who did not continue to university. It is only from 1820 onwards that the school register starts to give detail: month of entry, age, birthplace, and month of leaving. From then onwards Wilson was able to add more and more biographical detail, except, of course, for those boys in 1895 still at the school or with their careers yet ahead of them.
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Boys entering Sedbergh School
Edinburgh Directory (1819)
The Post-Office Annual Directory, from Whitsunday 1819 to Whitsunday 1820. Containing an alphabetical arrangement of the noblemen, private gentlemen, merchants, traders, and others, in the city and suburbs of Edinburgh, with their residence. Printed by John Pillans, published under the patronage of the Rt Hon the Earl of Caithness, Postmaster-General for Scotland.
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Edinburgh Directory
Deaths, Marriages, Bankrupts, Dividends and Patents (1819-1820)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, bankrupts and dividends, and patents, as reported in the Monthly Magazine or British Register. Includes some marriages and deaths from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
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Deaths, Marriages, Bankrupts, Dividends and Patents
Boys entering Leeds Grammar School (1820)
The admission books for Leeds Grammar School from 1820 to 1900 were edited by Edmund Wilson and published in 1906. The series of registers is almost complete for the period, there being in addition admission registers for the Lower (or Commercial) Department from 1856 to 1865, and lists of boys in the school in 1856, and in the Commercial Department in 1861. The entries are arranged by date or term of admission: a sequential number is given first, then surname, christian name, and, after a dash, father's christian name, occupation, and address; another dash, and then the age of the boy at admission, and often his year of leaving (with the abbreviation r. for 'removed' or 'left'). r.* means left without notice; (o) or S. or Stranger or Foreigner indicates a boy not on the foundation. The editor was unable to divine the meaning of the abbreviation (Q) or the asterisks prefixed to most entries in 1856 to 1860, but dutifully copies them into the text. In smaller type he then proceeds, where possible, to add some information about the boy's subsequent career.
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Boys entering Leeds Grammar School
Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions (1820)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments, general news and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad. January to June 1820.
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Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
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