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Our indexes include entries for the spelling andrews. In the period you have requested, we have the following 2,705 records (displaying 1,321 to 1,330): 

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Dividends of bankrupts' estates (1836)
Dividends from moneys raised from bankrupts' estates in England and Wales
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Dividends of bankrupts' estates
Insolvents (1836)
Insolvency notices for England and Wales: insolvency often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost links
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London and Middlesex crimes tried at the Central Criminal Court: the accused (1836)
Henry Buckler copied in shorthand the proceedings of trials at the Central Criminal Court in London, and his transcripts were printed. This volume (iii), from 1836, covers sessions i to vi of the Copeland mayoralty of 1835 to 1836. The bulk of the cases were from London and Middlesex, with separate sections for Essex, Kent and Surrey, but, preceding all these, Capital Convictions. The names of the accused are annotated with an asterisk to show if they had previously been in custody; an obelisk indicates a known associate of bad characters. Most cases resulted in a guilty verdict, and a large proportion of these led to a sentence of transportation to Australia. This index covers those accused in the London and Middlesex cases of February 1836.
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London and Middlesex crimes tried at the Central Criminal Court: the accused
London and Middlesex crimes tried at the Central Criminal Court: victims and witnesses (1836)
Henry Buckler copied in shorthand the proceedings of trials at the Central Criminal Court in London, and his transcripts were printed. This volume (iii), from 1836, covers sessions i to vi of the Copeland mayoralty of 1835 to 1836. The bulk of the cases were from London and Middlesex, with separate sections for Essex, Kent and Surrey, but, preceding all these, Capital Convictions. The names of the accused are annotated with an asterisk to show if they had previously been in custody; an obelisk indicates a known associate of bad characters. Most cases resulted in a guilty verdict, and a large proportion of these led to a sentence of transportation to Australia. This index covers the victims, witnesses (including constables) and others incidentally named in the London and Middlesex cases of February 1836.
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London and Middlesex crimes tried at the Central Criminal Court: victims and witnesses
Tickets of Leave, New South Wales (1836)
A list issued from the Colonial Secretary's office, New South Wales, of prisoners of the Crown obtaining tickets of leave: arranged by county, and within each county by place. Full name is given (surname first), and name of the transport by which the convict had come to Australia. March 1836.
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Tickets of Leave, New South Wales (1836)
Trustees and Solicitors (1836)
Trustees appointed to take over bankrupts' estates in England and Wales, and their solicitors. Trustees are often friends or relatives of the bankrupt: and/or principal creditors
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Trustees and Solicitors
Unclaimed Letters at Sydney General Post Office (1836)
'List of unclaimed letters remaining in the General Post Office, addressed to persons not known, or not to be found, and not previously advertised'. 23 February 1836. Full names, surname first.
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Unclaimed Letters at Sydney General Post Office (1836)
Bankruptcy information (1837)
Abstract of the circumstances causing a bankruptcy: assets, liabilities &c.
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Bankruptcy information
Bankrupts (1837)
Bankruptcy notices for England and Wales: bankruptcy often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost links
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Bankrupts' Assignees (1837)
Assignees of bankrupts' estates (usually principal creditors and/or close relatives of the bankrupt) in England and Wales
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Bankrupts' Assignees
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