Add this eBook to your basket to receive access to all 2,705 records. Our indexes include entries for the spelling andrews. In the period you have requested, we have the following 2,705 records (displaying 2,261 to 2,270): These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Masters of Merchantmen Lost by Collision at Sea
(1897-1898) Abstracts of the returns made to the Board of Trade of shipping casualties which occurred on or near the coasts or in rivers and harbours of the United Kingdom; and to British vessels elsewhere; and to foreign vessels on or near the coasts or in the rivers and harbours of British possessions abroad (including the Great Lakes of North America). The tables are arranged into the broad divisions of Total Losses at Sea (founderings, strandings, collisions, other causes, and missing); Partial Losses at Sea (founderings, strandings, collisions and other causes); Total Losses in Rivers, Lakes and Harbours (founderings, strandings, collisions and other causes); and Partial Losses in Rivers, Lakes and Harbours (founderings, strandings, collisions and other causes). In each case they state (so far as known) the date; name and age of the vessel; port of registry (if British); class in Lloyd's Register, Liverpool Book or Bureau Veritas; description of vessel, and whether iron (I.) or wood (W.); tons; number of crew; name of master (usually surname and initials); name and address of owner(s); port sailed from; port bound to; cargo and number of passengers (if any); number of lives lost; wind (direction and strength); and place of casualty. July 1897 to June 1898
| Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Ackworth Old Scholars: Australia
(1898) The Quaker school at Ackworth in Yorkshire commenced in 1779. At the General Meeting of 1882 the Ackworth Old Scholars' Association was established, and a full list of members was printed in their annual proceedings. This list, corrected to 1 October 1898, gives full names (including married women's maiden surnames) and addresses, arranged, for those living in England, by quarterly meeting, and then with separate lists for England, Scotland, and other countries. We have indexed these separately, and included maiden surnames. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Ackworth Old Scholars: Durham Quarterly Meeting
(1898) The Quaker school at Ackworth in Yorkshire commenced in 1779. At the General Meeting of 1882 the Ackworth Old Scholars' Association was established, and a full list of members was printed in their annual proceedings. This list, corrected to 1 October 1898, gives full names (including married women's maiden surnames) and addresses, arranged, for those living in England, by quarterly meeting, and then with separate lists for England, Scotland, and other countries. We have indexed these separately, and included maiden surnames. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Ackworth Old Scholars: London & Middlesex Quarterly Meeting
(1898) The Quaker school at Ackworth in Yorkshire commenced in 1779. At the General Meeting of 1882 the Ackworth Old Scholars' Association was established, and a full list of members was printed in their annual proceedings. This list, corrected to 1 October 1898, gives full names (including married women's maiden surnames) and addresses, arranged, for those living in England, by quarterly meeting, and then with separate lists for England, Scotland, and other countries. We have indexed these separately, and included maiden surnames. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Ackworth Old Scholars: Yorkshire Quarterly Meeting
(1898) The Quaker school at Ackworth in Yorkshire commenced in 1779. At the General Meeting of 1882 the Ackworth Old Scholars' Association was established, and a full list of members was printed in their annual proceedings. This list, corrected to 1 October 1898, gives full names (including married women's maiden surnames) and addresses, arranged, for those living in England, by quarterly meeting, and then with separate lists for England, Scotland, and other countries. We have indexed these separately, and included maiden surnames. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Medical officers of the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines
(1898) The Navy List, published by Authority, corrected to 18 December 1898, has this list of the medical officers of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, with dates of appointment. It covers the Royal Hospitals at Haslar, Plymouth, Yarmouth, Haulbowline, and Chatham; Royal Marine Infirmaries at Portsmouth and Walmer; Royal Marines Barrack Dispensary at Plymouth; Royal Naval Sick Quarters at Portland; Royal Naval Cadets' Sick Quarters at Dartmouth; Royal Naval Sick Quarters at Yokohama; and Medical Establishments at Malta, Gibraltar, Bermuda, Halifax (Nova Scotia), Jamaica, Ascension, Cape of Good Hope, Hong Kong, Esquimalt, Coquimbo, Trincomalee and Sydney. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Officers of the Royal Indian Marine
(1898) The Navy List, published by Authority, corrected to 18 December 1898, has this
list of the officers on the Active List of the Royal Indian Marine. Each
officer's surname, christian name, and any middle initial(s) is given; with
rank, date of seniority in that rank, and 'where serving', the last being the
number of his ship. The ranks are: A E, Assistant Engineer; Car, Carpenter; Ch
E, Chief Engineer; Cr, Commander; E, Engineer; Gr, Gunner; L, Lieutenant; and
S L, Sub-Lieutenant.
| Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Officers of the Royal Naval Reserve
(1898) The Navy List, published by Authority, corrected to 18 December 1898, has this list of the officers on the Active List of the Royal Naval Reserve and of Honorary Officers of the reserve. Each officer's surname, christian name, and any middle initial(s) is given; with rank, and date of seniority in that rank. The ranks are: A E, Assistant Engineer; E, Engineer; Hon A P, Honorary Assistant Paymaster; Hon Ch E, Honorary Chief Engineer; Hon Cr, Honorary Commander; Hon L, Honorary Lieutenant; Hon P, Honorary Paymaster; Hon S L, Honorary Sub-Lieutenant; L, Lieutenant; Mid, Midshipman; S L, Sub-Lieutenant; Sen E, Senior Engineer. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Officers of the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines
(1898) The Navy List, published by Authority, corrected to 18 December 1898, has this list of the officers on the Active List of the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines. Each officer's surname, christian name, and any middle initial(s) is given; with rank, date of seniority in that rank, and 'where serving', the last being the number of his ship. The ranks are: A, Admiral; A E, Assistant Engineer; A F, Admiral of the Fleet; A P, Assistant Paymaster; Art E, Artificer Engineer; As Ck, Assistant Clerk; B, Boatswain; Bandr, Bandmaster Royal Marines; C, Captain; Car, Carpenter; Ch, Chaplain; Ch B, Chief Boatswain; Ch Cr, Chief Carpenter; Ch E, Chief Engineer; Ch Gr, Chief Gunner; Ch P; Paymaster-in-Chief; Ck, Clerk; Cr, Commander; D I H, Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets; E, Engineer; E Ins, Inspector of Machinery; F E, Fleet Engineer; F P, Fleet Paymaster; F S, Fleet Surgeon; Gr, Gunner; H Sch, Head Schoolmaster; I H, Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets; L, Lieutenant; Mid, Midshipman; N C, Naval Cadet; N I, Naval Instructor; P, Paymaster; R A, Rear Admiral; S, Surgeon; S C, Staff-Captain; S Cr, Staff Commander; S E, Staff Engineer; S L, Sub-Lieutenant; S P, Staff Paymaster; S S, Staff Surgeon; Schm, Schoolmaster Royal Marines; St Ma, Sergeant Major Royal Marines; V A, Vice Admiral; W O, Warrant Officer Royal Marines. The column 'Where serving' also may have these abbreviations: AdC, Aide-de-Camp to the Queen; AO, Clerk to Secretary to a Flag Officer; CG, Coast Guard; CGP, Coast Guard Pension; DY, Dock Yard; GH, Greenwich Hospital; GHP, Greenwich Hospital Pension; GSP, Good Service Pension; NH, Naval Hospital; NID, Naval Intelligence Department; NP, Naval Pension (late Out-Pension of Greenwich Hospital); PW, Pension for Wounds; Sec, Secretary to a Flag Officer; TP, Travers Pension; TS, In the Transport Service; VY, Victualling Yard.
| Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Officers of the Royal Navy Dockyards
(1898) The Navy List, published by Authority, corrected to 18 December 1898, has this list of the officers of the Royal Navy dockyards at Chatham, Sheerness, Portsmouth, Devonport, Pembroke, Portland, Gibraltar, Malta, Halifax (Nova Scotia), Bermuda, Jamaica, Cape of Good Hope, Ascension, Trincomalee, Hong Kong, Esquimalt (Vancouver's Island), Sydney, Bombay and Calcutta. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Research your ancestry, family history, genealogy and one-name study by direct access to original records and archives indexed by surname.