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Our indexes include entries for the spelling card. In the period you have requested, we have the following 312 records (displaying 111 to 120): 

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Merchants and Traders in Dublin (1830)
Wilson's Dublin Directory for the year 1830 lists merchants and traders alphabetically by surname, with christian name or initials, trade, and (in italics) address.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Merchants and Traders in Dublin (1830)
Prisoners at Maidstone (1832)
The return from the County Gaol and House of Correction at Maidstone from 1 January to 31 December 1832 lists all prisoners (full name), place from whence committed, number of days detained in the year (before final commitment; after final commitment; and after conviction), and sentence, giving time of imprisonment (if any), or whether acquitted, discharged, executed, transported, whipped, or died in gaol.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Prisoners at Maidstone
Chimney Sweeps, London (1834)
An account of the number of boys apprenticed to chimney sweepers under the provisions of 28 Geo. III c. 40, at the several police offices within the London bills of mortality, during the previous nine years: giving the numbers of boys apprenticed each year, the year, the parish from whence taken, the name and residence of the master, the name and age of each boy (mostly 8 to 12 years old), and the evidence of such age.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Chimney Sweeps, London
Masters of British Merchantmen (1834)
Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping was established in 1834, following the demise of two earlier societies for registering shipping in Britain. The new register in 1834 was created from an alphabetical list of British ships with no more detail than name, master's name, tonnage, and port to which they belonged. Lloyd's insurance syndicate provided £1000 for the establishment of a new system of surveyors, and as the year progressed many of the entries in the register were then annotated with additional information - type of vessel (Bk, barque; Bg, brig; Cr, cutter; Dr, dogger; G, galliott; H, hoy; K, ketch; Lr, lugger; S, ship; Sk, smack; Sp, sloop; Sr, schooner; St, schoot; Sw, snow; Yt, yacht), place and year of build, owners, destined voyage, and classification of the vessel and its stores, with the month (indicated by the final number in the last column) of inspection. Underneath each of these amended entries details were given of construction and repair, with year - s., sheathed; d., doubled; C., coppered; I. B., iron bolts; s. M., sheathed with marine metal; s. Y. M., sheathed with yellow metal; F., felt; PH., patent hair; Cl., clincher; len., lengthened; lrp., large repairs; trp., thorough repairs; ND., new deck; M. TSds., new top-sides; W. C., wales cased; NW., new wales; Srprs, some repairs - and, in italics, the timber of the ship is described - B. B., black birch; Bh, beech; C., cedar; E., elm; F., fir; G., gum; Ght., greenheart; Hk., hackmatack; L., locust; L. O., live oak; P., pine; P. P., pitch pine; R. P., red pine; Y. P., yellow pine; S., spruce; T., teak; W. O., white oak. The sample scan is from the main list. The third column, reserved for masters' names, is not particularly wide; with short surnames, an initial will be given; but longer surnames omit the initials, and even longer surnames are abbreviated. This is the index to masters in the main list. Often new masters had been appointed by the time of survey, and their names are added in slightly smaller type under the original master's names in the third column. These new masters are also included in this index.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Masters of British Merchantmen
Electors in Tonbridge (1835)
A poll to elect knights of the shire to represent the Western Division of the county of Kent in parliament was held in 1835, the candidates being Thomas Law Hodges (H), Thomas Rider (R) and sir William R. P. Geary (G). The poll started on January 19th; Rider withdrawing his name on that first day, the poll was closed prematurely, many electors not yet having voted. This poll book lists all the electors, whether they voted or not; the county franchise included not only male freeholders of 40s a year, but also £10 copyholders and long-leaseholders, and £50 short-leaseholders and tenants. For each elector the full name is given (surname first) and residence (often not the place for which qualified to vote). Votes are indicated by dashes in the right-hand columns.
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Electors in Tonbridge
Poachers committed to prison at Lewes in Sussex (1833-1836)
In response to a parliamentary enquiry, returns were made in early 1836 from each of the gaols in England and Wales of the number of commitments, prosecutions, convictions and sentences under the game laws since 1 November 1833. The returns varied in scope; most give the full name of each poacher, date, and sentence. The usual offence is that of 'poaching', i. e. being out armed in the night in pursuit of game; occasionally it was aggravated by assaulting a gamekeeper &c.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Poachers committed to prison at Lewes in Sussex
National ArchivesBritish merchant seamen (1835-1836)
At this period, the foreign trade of ships plying to and from the British isles involved about 150,000 men on 15,000 ships; and the coasting trade about a quarter as many more. A large proportion of the seamen on these ships were British subjects, and so liable to be pressed for service in the Royal Navy; but there was no general register by which to identify them, so in 1835 parliament passed a Merchant Seamen's Registration Bill. Under this act this large register of British seamen was compiled, based on ships' crew lists gathered in British and Irish ports, and passed up to the registry in London. Each seaman was assigned a number, and the names were arranged in the register by first two letters of the surname (our sample scan shows one of the pages for 'Sm'); in addition, an attempt was made to separate out namesakes by giving the first instance of a name (a), the second (b), and so on. But no effective method was devised to prevent the same man being registered twice as he appeared in a second crew list; moreover, the original crew lists were clearly difficult for the registry clerks to copy, and some of the surname spellings appear to be corrupted. A parliamentary committee decided that the system devised did not answer the original problem, and this register was abandoned after less than two years: but it is an apparently comprehensive source for British merchant seamen in 1835 to 1836. The register records the number assigned to each man; his name; age; birthplace; quality (master, captain, mate, 2nd mate, mariner, seaman, fisherman, cook, carpenter, boy &c.); and the name and home port of his ship, with the date of the crew list (usually at the end of a voyage). Most of the men recorded were born in the British Isles, but not all (for instance, Charleston and Stockholm appear in the sample scan). The final column 'How disposed of' is rarely used, and indicates those instances where a man died, was discharged, or deserted his ship during the voyage.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
British merchant seamen
Voters in the Parish of St James, Westminster (1837)
A poll was taken 26 July 1837 for the election of two members to represent the City of Westminster in Parliament. The candidates were Lieut.-Col. de Lacey Evans, John Temple Leader, and Gen. the Right Hon. sir George Murray, K. G. C. This poll book lists the electors with full name (surname first) and address (in italics), dashes indicating for whom they cast their votes. The names are listed alphabetically by first letter of surname, arranged in the eight parishes of Westminster, plus the extra-parochial Precincts of the Savoy.
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Voters in the Parish of St James, Westminster
Shareholders of the Wilts and Dorset Banking Company (1838)
The provincial banks of England and Wales made annual returns to the Stamp Office of their proprietors or shareholders. These returns, registered in March 1838, from the 103 banks then in existence, contain the full names and addresses of nearly 30,000 shareholders.
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Shareholders of the Wilts and Dorset Banking Company
Dissolutions of Partnerships (1839)
Trade partnerships dissolved, or the removal of one partner from a partnership of several traders, in England and Wales
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Dissolutions of Partnerships
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