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Our indexes include entries for the spelling card. In the period you have requested, we have the following 312 records (displaying 311 to 312): 

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Primary School Pupils, British Honduras: Stann Creek District (1968)
British Honduras Education Department issued this list of children receiving Primary School Leaving Certificates in July 1968: full names are given, school by school. 2324 children sat the exam, 613 passed
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Primary School Pupils, British Honduras: Stann Creek District (1968)
Teachers in British Honduras (1968)
The lists of teachers who passed their examination in July 1968 give their full names and the name of their schools
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Teachers in British Honduras (1968)
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Research your ancestry, family history, genealogy and one-name study by direct access to original records and archives indexed by surname.