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Boys entering Clifton College (1893)
Clifton College near Bristol was established in 1862. This edition of the Clifton College Annals and Register for the Old Cliftonian Society by F. Borwick was published in 1925. Boys are listed alphabetically by term of entry, with full names, surname first, in bold. Father's (or widowed mother's) name is given (surname and initials) in capitals, and address. Then there is the name of the house (N. T., North Town; S. H., School House; S. T., South Town), first and last forms, distinctions in school work and games, and month of leaving. Where known, the editor then gave a career summary with month of death; or, if still living, address as in 1925 (in italics).
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Boys entering Clifton College
Boys entering Merchant Taylors' School in London (1893)
Merchant Taylors' School was founded by members of the livery company of the merchant taylors of the city of London in 1561 as a grammar school. By the 19th century this was a major English public school. In 1875 the school removed from Suffolk Lane, in the City, to a new building in Charterhouse Square in Finsbury. In 1907 the Reverend William Baker, a former headmaster, published this school register for the period 1871 to 1900, which we have indexed by year of admission. Each entry gives the boy's name in full (surname, christian name(s)); date of birth; names of both parents (middle names as initials); occupation of father; career summary; and (in italics) address as of 1907.
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Boys entering Merchant Taylors' School in London
Boys entering Fettes College, Edinburgh (1894)
Fettes College, Edinburgh, was opened in 1870 under the terms of a trust 'for maintenance, education, and outfit of young people whose parents have either died without leaving sufficient funds for that purpose, or who, from innocent misfortune during their own lives, are unable to give suitable education to their children'. In 1923 this edition of the Fettes College Register was published; in it the compilers sought to set out for each boy who had attended the college a brief synopsis of what was known about his time at the school, his subsequent career, and date and place of death, or address as of 1923. After each name there is a letter in brackets indicating the house to which the pupil belonged - (C.) Carrington House; (G.) Glencorse House; (K.) Kimmerghame House; (M.) Moredun House; (S.) Schoolhouse. An asterisk indicates that the boy was a foundationer, i. e. supported by the foundation; a dagger that he was a foundation scholar. VIA. indicates Upper Form; Mods. Modern School; Army Cl., Army Class; S. P., School Prefect; xx. First Rugby Football Twenty; xv. First Rugby Football Fifteen; xx. cap. Caps occasionally given to the five (or fewer) next to the First Fifteen after 1875; xi. First Cricket Eleven; viii. Gymnastic Eight; Trs. Prizes and Exhib., Trustees' Prizes and Exhibitions; Govs. Prizes and Exhib., Governors' Prizes and Exhibitions; Schol., scholarship; M., married. Month and year of birth is given in square brackets.
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Boys entering Fettes College, Edinburgh
Boys entering Haileybury College, Hertfordshire (1894)
Haileybury College, near Hertford, was founded by the East India Company in 1806, and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1864. This register of pupils entering the school from 1862 to 1931 was edited by a master there, Laurence Arthur Speakman. The boys are listed by term of joining the school, and then alphabetically by name (in bold), surname first (in capitals). There is then usually a precise birthdate, and the name and address of his father; his period at the school, starting with abbreviations to indicate the house to which he belonged (B., Batten; B. F., Bartle Frere; C., Colvin; E., Edmonstone; Ha., Hailey; Hi., Highfield; L., Lawrence; Le B., Le Bas; M., Melvill; Th., Thomason; T., Trevelyan), and the first and last forms attended (e. g., IV., fourth form). Where a member of a school team there is then an indication (e. g., XI., cricket). For some pupils, with whom the school had lost touch, Speakman was only able to record the details of their time at Haileybury; but for most a brief career synopsis is then given, and current address (as in 1931) or date of death.
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Boys entering Haileybury College, Hertfordshire
Boys entering Merchant Taylors' School in London (1894)
Merchant Taylors' School was founded by members of the livery company of the merchant taylors of the city of London in 1561 as a grammar school. By the 19th century this was a major English public school. In 1875 the school removed from Suffolk Lane, in the City, to a new building in Charterhouse Square in Finsbury. In 1907 the Reverend William Baker, a former headmaster, published this school register for the period 1871 to 1900, which we have indexed by year of admission. Each entry gives the boy's name in full (surname, christian name(s)); date of birth; names of both parents (middle names as initials); occupation of father; career summary; and (in italics) address as of 1907.
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Boys entering Merchant Taylors' School in London
Boys entering Wellington College in Berkshire (1894)
Wellington College, near Wokingham, was originally founded for the education of sons of military officers. A register of boys entering the school from First Term 1859 to Michaelmas 1933 was compiled by F. G. Lawrence for the Old Wellingtonian Society. In each entry the boy's name is given in full, in bold, surname first; age at entry (usually 11 to 14); then, in brackets, the name of the dormitory or house to which he belonged, in italics, with the years of his stay; then his father's name (usually surname and initials, but not christian name) with military decorations where appropriate. School prefects and captains are noted as such; if the boy played cricket for the school, XI with the years; academic honours, scholarships, &c.; a brief biography; and date of death, or (where known) address in 1933. Year of marriage is given, and sometimes the wife's name and/or her father's name. Clearly, those boys who kept contact with the school and/or had distinguished military careers have detailed entries; others disappeared into oblivion on leaving.
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Boys entering Wellington College in Berkshire
Vivisectors (1894)
The Zoophilist 2 July 1894 published this special supplement, listing 'Vivisectors at the Hospitals': 'Many of our friends who are desirous of contributing to the relief of human suffering have frequently inquired as to whether any and which of the Hospitals have Vivisectors connected with them, we have compiled the following list of hospitals, asylums, &c., having licensed or unlicensed vivisectors or pro-vivisectors, at work in their schools, or included in their medical staff,' based on the Medical Directory for 1894 collated with the official returns of licensed vivisectors for 1893, and giving the years in which a licence (if any) was held. Consultants are marked with an asterisk.
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Boys entering Haileybury College, Hertfordshire (1895)
Haileybury College, near Hertford, was founded by the East India Company in 1806, and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1864. This register of pupils entering the school from 1862 to 1931 was edited by a master there, Laurence Arthur Speakman. The boys are listed by term of joining the school, and then alphabetically by name (in bold), surname first (in capitals). There is then usually a precise birthdate, and the name and address of his father; his period at the school, starting with abbreviations to indicate the house to which he belonged (B., Batten; B. F., Bartle Frere; C., Colvin; E., Edmonstone; Ha., Hailey; Hi., Highfield; L., Lawrence; Le B., Le Bas; M., Melvill; Th., Thomason; T., Trevelyan), and the first and last forms attended (e. g., IV., fourth form). Where a member of a school team there is then an indication (e. g., XI., cricket). For some pupils, with whom the school had lost touch, Speakman was only able to record the details of their time at Haileybury; but for most a brief career synopsis is then given, and current address (as in 1931) or date of death.
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Boys entering Haileybury College, Hertfordshire
Missing Next-of-Kin and Heirs-at-Law (1895)
The Unclaimed Money Registry and Next-of-Kin Advertisement Office of F. H. Dougal & Co., on the Strand in London, published a comprehensive 'Index to Advertisements for Next of Kin, Heirs at Law, Legatees, &c., &c., who have been Advertised for to Claim Money and Property in Great Britain and all Parts of the World; also Annuitants, Shareholders, Intestates, Testators, Missing Friends, Creditors or their Representatives, Claimants, Unclaimed and Reclaimed Dividends and Stock, Citations, Administrations, Rewards for Certificates, Wills, Advertisements, &c., Claims, Unclaimed Balances, Packages, Addresses, Parish Clerks' Notices, Foreign Intestates, &c., &c.' The original list was compiled about 1880, but from materials dating back even into the 18th century: most of the references belong to 1850 to 1880. For each entry only a name is given, sometimes with a placename added in brackets: there may be a reference number, but there is no key by which the original advertisement may be traced. The enquirer of the time had to remit £1 for a 'Full and Authentic Copy of the Original Advertisement, together with name and date of newspaper in which the same appeared'. This appendix to the list was issued in about 1895.
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Missing Next-of-Kin and Heirs-at-Law 
Residents of Surrey (1895)
Kelly's Directory of Surrey includes this alphabetical Court Directory, listing private residents in the county. In fact, this listing is a little more comprehensive than the main directory, in that it includes residents of some London suburbs that, although in the county of Surrey, are not included in the Surrey directory. Residents are listed surname first, then christian name or initials, and postal address.
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Residents of Surrey
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