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Our indexes include entries for the spelling hunter. In the period you have requested, we have the following 2,451 records (displaying 2,151 to 2,160): 

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Associates and Old Students of the Royal School of Mines (1920)
The Royal School of Mines (Old Students') Association produced this alphabetical register of Associates and Old Students. So far as possible, the compilers gave these details: full name (surname first); dates at the school; record as a mining engineer; military service in the Great War; and current address. In some cases, the entry is transcribed from a previous register, of 1896, no further information having been obtained - such entries are marked with a dagger. * signifies 'Deceased'.
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Associates and Old Students of the Royal School of Mines
Boot and Shoe Makers Out of Work: Leeds (1920)
The Monthly Report of the National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives gave details of Out of Work Benefit paid to members. The table is arranged by district, and gives each member's register number, name (surname with initial), time off work (weeks and days), and total pay (at 2s 6d a day). 26 January 1920
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Boot and Shoe Makers Out of Work: Leeds (1920)
Boys entering Wellington College in Berkshire (1920)
Wellington College, near Wokingham, was originally founded for the education of sons of military officers. A register of boys entering the school from First Term 1859 to Michaelmas 1933 was compiled by F. G. Lawrence for the Old Wellingtonian Society. In each entry the boy's name is given in full, in bold, surname first; age at entry (usually 11 to 14); then, in brackets, the name of the dormitory or house to which he belonged, in italics, with the years of his stay; then his father's name (usually surname and initials, but not christian name) with military decorations where appropriate. School prefects and captains are noted as such; if the boy played cricket for the school, XI with the years; academic honours, scholarships, &c.; a brief biography; and date of death, or (where known) address in 1933. Year of marriage is given, and sometimes the wife's name and/or her father's name. Clearly, those boys who kept contact with the school and/or had distinguished military careers have detailed entries; others disappeared into oblivion on leaving.
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Boys entering Wellington College in Berkshire
Naturalizations (1920)
The Home Office issued monthly lists of aliens to whom Certificates of Naturalization or Readmission to British Nationality had been granted by the Secretary of State and whose oaths of allegiance had been registered in the Home Office. These notices, from January to December 1920, refer to naturalizations from December 1919 to November 1920. The lists give full name, surname first; country of origin; date of taking the oath of allegiance; place of residence; and occupation. A dagger indicates re-admission to British nationality.
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Naval Officers (1920)
The alphabetical list of officers on the Active List of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines (RM) and of the Retired and Emergency Officers serving gives: number of ship or where otherwise serving; name (surname, first christian name and initials); rank; and the dates of their seniority. This is the list from the March 1920 edition of the Navy List, corrected to 18 February 1920.
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Naval Officers
Shorthand Writers (1920-1921)
News and notices about Pitman's shorthand, with correspondence, advertisements &c.
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Shorthand Writers
Boiler Makers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders: Ayr (1921)
The monthly report of the United Society of Boiler Makers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders contains, as well as internal union business, reports of meetings; obituaries; warnings about named individuals falling into arrears, or becoming 'out of benefit'; members 'run out'; subscription sales; new members admitted; second class transferred to first class membership; apprentices admitted; apprentices transferred to adult membership; and 'unapproved' apprentices. Members are normally identified by surname and initial, with membership number as appropriate. These abbreviations also occur: 1st, first class; 2nd, second class; 3rd, third class; A.I.S., angle iron smith; App., apprentice; A.W., acetylene worker; C., caulker; D., driller; H-up, holder-up; P., plater; R., riveter; S.I.W., sheet iron worker. January 1921
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Boiler Makers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders: Ayr (1921)
Boiler Makers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders: Birkenhead (1921)
The monthly report of the United Society of Boiler Makers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders contains, as well as internal union business, reports of meetings; obituaries; warnings about named individuals falling into arrears, or becoming 'out of benefit'; members 'run out'; subscription sales; new members admitted; second class transferred to first class membership; apprentices admitted; apprentices transferred to adult membership; and 'unapproved' apprentices. Members are normally identified by surname and initial, with membership number as appropriate. These abbreviations also occur: 1st, first class; 2nd, second class; 3rd, third class; A.I.S., angle iron smith; App., apprentice; A.W., acetylene worker; C., caulker; D., driller; H-up, holder-up; P., plater; R., riveter; S.I.W., sheet iron worker. January 1921
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Boiler Makers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders: Birkenhead (1921)
Boiler Makers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders: Hebburn (1921)
The monthly report of the United Society of Boiler Makers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders contains, as well as internal union business, reports of meetings; obituaries; warnings about named individuals falling into arrears, or becoming 'out of benefit'; members 'run out'; subscription sales; new members admitted; second class transferred to first class membership; apprentices admitted; apprentices transferred to adult membership; and 'unapproved' apprentices. Members are normally identified by surname and initial, with membership number as appropriate. These abbreviations also occur: 1st, first class; 2nd, second class; 3rd, third class; A.I.S., angle iron smith; App., apprentice; A.W., acetylene worker; C., caulker; D., driller; H-up, holder-up; P., plater; R., riveter; S.I.W., sheet iron worker. January 1921
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Boiler Makers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders: Hebburn (1921)
Boiler Makers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders: Sunderland (1921)
The monthly report of the United Society of Boiler Makers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders contains, as well as internal union business, reports of meetings; obituaries; warnings about named individuals falling into arrears, or becoming 'out of benefit'; members 'run out'; subscription sales; new members admitted; second class transferred to first class membership; apprentices admitted; apprentices transferred to adult membership; and 'unapproved' apprentices. Members are normally identified by surname and initial, with membership number as appropriate. These abbreviations also occur: 1st, first class; 2nd, second class; 3rd, third class; A.I.S., angle iron smith; App., apprentice; A.W., acetylene worker; C., caulker; D., driller; H-up, holder-up; P., plater; R., riveter; S.I.W., sheet iron worker. January 1921
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Boiler Makers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders: Sunderland (1921)
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