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Fleet Surgeons of the Royal Navy (1904)
The Monthly Naval List for November 1904, printed By Authority for the Admiralty, contains this List of Officers on the Active List of the Royal Navy with the Dates of their Seniority. The list is arranged by rank, and then by date of seniority: full names, including full middle names, are given. Each name is preceded (where appropriate) by the number of the ship in which serving; an 'm' indicating the holder was entitled to wear a medal; one or more asterisks for officers authorized to hold foreign orders. (C) after the name denotes an officer who had obtained his lieutenant's commission by competition at the Royal Naval College; (E) one who had obtained the same for meritorious examination there; or (G) one who had received an honorary certificate or had qualified as a Gunnery or Torpedo Lieutenant. There are also various sets of initials in italics indicating: AdC Aide-de-Camp to the King, AO Clerk to Secretary to a Flag Officer, CG Coast Guard, CGP Coast Guard Pension, Coll studying at Naval College, Dev an acting sub-lieutenant studying at Devonport, DY Dock Yard, GH Greenwich Hospital, GHP Greenwich Hospital Pension, GSP Good Service Pension, KHC Honorary Chaplain to the King, KHP Honorary Physician to the King, KHS Honorary Surgeon to the King, NH Naval Hospital, NID Naval Intelligence Department, NP Naval Pension, Po an acting sub-lieutenant studying at Portsmouth, PW Pension for Wounds, RNVR Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, SC undergoing short course of instruction in torpedo, gunnery, &c., ScM Royal Naval School of Music, Sec Secretary to a Flag Officer, TB Torpedo Boat, TP Travers Pension, TS Transport Service, VY Victualling Yard. Large or bold letters in brackets or circles indicate qualifications in - G gunnery, I interpreting, N navigating, S secretary, T torpedo. There are lists for Flag Officers (Admirals of the Fleet, Admirals, Vice-Admirals, and Rear Admirals); Captains; Commanders; Lieutenants; Supplementary Lieutenants; Sub-Lieutenants (with class of their certificates in seamanship, navigation, pilotage, gunnery and torpedo); Midshipmen; Navy Cadets; Staff Captains; Engineer Rear-Admirals; Engineer Captains; Engineer Commanders; Engineer Lieutenants; Engineer Sub-Lieutenants; Chaplains (where these also acted as Naval Instructors, their seniority in that appointment is given as well); Naval Instructors (where these also acted as Chaplains, their seniority in that appointment is given as well); (Medical) Inspector-Generals of Hospitals and Fleets; Fleet Surgeons; Staff Surgeons; Surgeons; Paymasters-in-Chief; Fleet Paymasters; Staff Paymasters; Paymasters; Assistant Paymasters; Clerks; Assistant Clerks; Carpenter Lieutenants; Chief Gunners; Gunners; Chief Boatswains; Boatswains; Chief Signal Boatswains; Signal Boatswains; Chief Carpenters; Carpenters; Chief Artificer Engineers; Artificer Engineers; Chief Schoolmasters; Head Schoolmasters; Head Wardmasters.
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Fleet Surgeons of the Royal Navy
Indian Civil Servants (1904)
The India List and India Office List was compiled from official records by direction of the Secretary of State for India in Council, and published by the India Office annually. The volume for 1905 includes this Record of Services, corrected to 1 July 1904. It includes Officers of the Home Establishment of the Secretary of State, Officers of the Covenanted Civil Service, and those appointed under the Native Civil Service Rules, other Officers in Civil Employment in India whose substantive pay was at least 1000 rupees a month, and, with a few exceptions, all officers of those classes who had retired since 1886.
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Indian Civil Servants
Lieutenants of the Royal Naval Reserve (1904)
The Monthly Naval List for November 1904, printed By Authority for the Admiralty, contains these Royal Naval Reserve Seniority Lists: giving full name (preceded by an 'm' for those entitled to a naval medal) and date of seniority. The names may be preceded by an asterisk, for those who had completed 12 months' training in the Royal Navy; a further asterisk for 12 months' more service; a dagger for a certificate in a gunnery or torpedo short course; a double dagger for certificates in both; a double S for those who had served in the Fleet for one or more short cruises only; engineer officers marked * had completed a three months' course of instruction at one of the Home Dockyards.
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Lieutenants of the Royal Naval Reserve
Lieutenants of the Royal Navy (1904)
The Monthly Naval List for November 1904, printed By Authority for the Admiralty, contains this List of Officers on the Active List of the Royal Navy with the Dates of their Seniority. The list is arranged by rank, and then by date of seniority: full names, including full middle names, are given. Each name is preceded (where appropriate) by the number of the ship in which serving; an 'm' indicating the holder was entitled to wear a medal; one or more asterisks for officers authorized to hold foreign orders. (C) after the name denotes an officer who had obtained his lieutenant's commission by competition at the Royal Naval College; (E) one who had obtained the same for meritorious examination there; or (G) one who had received an honorary certificate or had qualified as a Gunnery or Torpedo Lieutenant. There are also various sets of initials in italics indicating: AdC Aide-de-Camp to the King, AO Clerk to Secretary to a Flag Officer, CG Coast Guard, CGP Coast Guard Pension, Coll studying at Naval College, Dev an acting sub-lieutenant studying at Devonport, DY Dock Yard, GH Greenwich Hospital, GHP Greenwich Hospital Pension, GSP Good Service Pension, KHC Honorary Chaplain to the King, KHP Honorary Physician to the King, KHS Honorary Surgeon to the King, NH Naval Hospital, NID Naval Intelligence Department, NP Naval Pension, Po an acting sub-lieutenant studying at Portsmouth, PW Pension for Wounds, RNVR Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, SC undergoing short course of instruction in torpedo, gunnery, &c., ScM Royal Naval School of Music, Sec Secretary to a Flag Officer, TB Torpedo Boat, TP Travers Pension, TS Transport Service, VY Victualling Yard. Large or bold letters in brackets or circles indicate qualifications in - G gunnery, I interpreting, N navigating, S secretary, T torpedo. There are lists for Flag Officers (Admirals of the Fleet, Admirals, Vice-Admirals, and Rear Admirals); Captains; Commanders; Lieutenants; Supplementary Lieutenants; Sub-Lieutenants (with class of their certificates in seamanship, navigation, pilotage, gunnery and torpedo); Midshipmen; Navy Cadets; Staff Captains; Engineer Rear-Admirals; Engineer Captains; Engineer Commanders; Engineer Lieutenants; Engineer Sub-Lieutenants; Chaplains (where these also acted as Naval Instructors, their seniority in that appointment is given as well); Naval Instructors (where these also acted as Chaplains, their seniority in that appointment is given as well); (Medical) Inspector-Generals of Hospitals and Fleets; Fleet Surgeons; Staff Surgeons; Surgeons; Paymasters-in-Chief; Fleet Paymasters; Staff Paymasters; Paymasters; Assistant Paymasters; Clerks; Assistant Clerks; Carpenter Lieutenants; Chief Gunners; Gunners; Chief Boatswains; Boatswains; Chief Signal Boatswains; Signal Boatswains; Chief Carpenters; Carpenters; Chief Artificer Engineers; Artificer Engineers; Chief Schoolmasters; Head Schoolmasters; Head Wardmasters.
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Lieutenants of the Royal Navy
Midshipmen of the Royal Navy (1904)
The Monthly Naval List for November 1904, printed By Authority for the Admiralty, contains this List of Officers on the Active List of the Royal Navy with the Dates of their Seniority. The list is arranged by rank, and then by date of seniority: full names, including full middle names, are given. Each name is preceded (where appropriate) by the number of the ship in which serving; an 'm' indicating the holder was entitled to wear a medal; one or more asterisks for officers authorized to hold foreign orders. (C) after the name denotes an officer who had obtained his lieutenant's commission by competition at the Royal Naval College; (E) one who had obtained the same for meritorious examination there; or (G) one who had received an honorary certificate or had qualified as a Gunnery or Torpedo Lieutenant. There are also various sets of initials in italics indicating: AdC Aide-de-Camp to the King, AO Clerk to Secretary to a Flag Officer, CG Coast Guard, CGP Coast Guard Pension, Coll studying at Naval College, Dev an acting sub-lieutenant studying at Devonport, DY Dock Yard, GH Greenwich Hospital, GHP Greenwich Hospital Pension, GSP Good Service Pension, KHC Honorary Chaplain to the King, KHP Honorary Physician to the King, KHS Honorary Surgeon to the King, NH Naval Hospital, NID Naval Intelligence Department, NP Naval Pension, Po an acting sub-lieutenant studying at Portsmouth, PW Pension for Wounds, RNVR Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, SC undergoing short course of instruction in torpedo, gunnery, &c., ScM Royal Naval School of Music, Sec Secretary to a Flag Officer, TB Torpedo Boat, TP Travers Pension, TS Transport Service, VY Victualling Yard. Large or bold letters in brackets or circles indicate qualifications in - G gunnery, I interpreting, N navigating, S secretary, T torpedo. There are lists for Flag Officers (Admirals of the Fleet, Admirals, Vice-Admirals, and Rear Admirals); Captains; Commanders; Lieutenants; Supplementary Lieutenants; Sub-Lieutenants (with class of their certificates in seamanship, navigation, pilotage, gunnery and torpedo); Midshipmen; Navy Cadets; Staff Captains; Engineer Rear-Admirals; Engineer Captains; Engineer Commanders; Engineer Lieutenants; Engineer Sub-Lieutenants; Chaplains (where these also acted as Naval Instructors, their seniority in that appointment is given as well); Naval Instructors (where these also acted as Chaplains, their seniority in that appointment is given as well); (Medical) Inspector-Generals of Hospitals and Fleets; Fleet Surgeons; Staff Surgeons; Surgeons; Paymasters-in-Chief; Fleet Paymasters; Staff Paymasters; Paymasters; Assistant Paymasters; Clerks; Assistant Clerks; Carpenter Lieutenants; Chief Gunners; Gunners; Chief Boatswains; Boatswains; Chief Signal Boatswains; Signal Boatswains; Chief Carpenters; Carpenters; Chief Artificer Engineers; Artificer Engineers; Chief Schoolmasters; Head Schoolmasters; Head Wardmasters.
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Midshipmen of the Royal Navy
Officer Interpreters in the Royal Navy (1904)
The Monthly Naval List for November 1904, printed By Authority for the Admiralty, contains this List of Officers who are Noted at the Admiralty as having qualified to act as Interpreters: giving name, rank and languages.
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Officer Interpreters in the Royal Navy
Officers of Chatham Dockyard (1904)
The Monthly Naval List for November 1904, printed By Authority for the Admiralty, contains this list of Principal officers in the dockyards, with dates of appointment: Chatham, Sheerness, Portsmouth, Devonport, Pembroke, West India Docks, Portland, Haulbowline, Gibraltar, Malta, Halifax (Nova Scotia), Bermuda, Jamaica, Cape of Hood Hope, Ascension, Trincomalee, Hong Kong, Esquimalt (Vancouver), Wei-Hai-Wei, Bombay and Calcutta.
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Officers of Chatham Dockyard
Officers of H. M. S. Argyll, completing at Greenock (1904)
The Monthly Naval List for November 1904, printed By Authority for the Admiralty, contains this List of Ships and Vessels of the Royal Navy with their Officers and Present Stations. The number after the name of the ship denotes the number of guns of 4-inch calibre and upwards. The tons represents the displacement tonnage. A letter P. in bold denotes Paddle Wheel; S. Single Screw. The italic abbreviations are F. D. Forced Draught; I. H. P. Indicated Horse Power; N. D. Natural Draught. All officers whose names are in italics are borne as supernumeraries or additions. (G) against an officer's name denotes that he is borne for gunnery duties; (N) navigating; (T) torpedo. In the cases where two dates are shown against the names of marine officers, the date in brackets is that from which his present sea time commenced.
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Officers of H. M. S. Argyll, completing at Greenock
Officers of H. M. S. Bulwark, in the Mediterranean (1904)
The Monthly Naval List for November 1904, printed By Authority for the Admiralty, contains this List of Ships and Vessels of the Royal Navy with their Officers and Present Stations. The number after the name of the ship denotes the number of guns of 4-inch calibre and upwards. The tons represents the displacement tonnage. A letter P. in bold denotes Paddle Wheel; S. Single Screw. The italic abbreviations are F. D. Forced Draught; I. H. P. Indicated Horse Power; N. D. Natural Draught. All officers whose names are in italics are borne as supernumeraries or additions. (G) against an officer's name denotes that he is borne for gunnery duties; (N) navigating; (T) torpedo. In the cases where two dates are shown against the names of marine officers, the date in brackets is that from which his present sea time commenced.
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Officers of H. M. S. Bulwark, in the Mediterranean
Officers of H. M. S. Coquette, in the Mediterranean (1904)
The Monthly Naval List for November 1904, printed By Authority for the Admiralty, contains this List of Ships and Vessels of the Royal Navy with their Officers and Present Stations. The number after the name of the ship denotes the number of guns of 4-inch calibre and upwards. The tons represents the displacement tonnage. A letter P. in bold denotes Paddle Wheel; S. Single Screw. The italic abbreviations are F. D. Forced Draught; I. H. P. Indicated Horse Power; N. D. Natural Draught. All officers whose names are in italics are borne as supernumeraries or additions. (G) against an officer's name denotes that he is borne for gunnery duties; (N) navigating; (T) torpedo. In the cases where two dates are shown against the names of marine officers, the date in brackets is that from which his present sea time commenced.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Officers of H. M. S. Coquette, in the Mediterranean
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