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Manchester University Undergraduates (1921)
The Victoria University of Manchester Calendar for 1921-2 includes these lists of those then studying there, divided into two sections: I. Graduates and Research Students; II. Students Preparing for a Degree in this University. The names are arranged alphabetically by surname and christian name or initials.
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Manchester University Undergraduates
Naturalizations (1921)
The Home Office issued monthly lists of aliens to whom Certificates of Naturalization or Readmission to British Nationality had been granted by the Secretary of State and whose oaths of allegiance had been registered in the Home Office. These notices, from January to December 1921, refer to naturalizations from December 1920 to November 1921. The lists give full name, surname first; country of origin; date of taking the oath of allegiance; place of residence; and occupation. A dagger indicates re-admission to British nationality.
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Residents of Alloa (1921)
Private residents and traders in Alloa and the villages of Cambus and Tullibody: with full names, addresses, and (where appropriate) telephone numbers.
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Residents of Alloa (1921)
Boys entering Clifton College (1922)
Clifton College near Bristol was established in 1862. This edition of the Clifton College Annals and Register for the Old Cliftonian Society by F. Borwick was published in 1925. Boys are listed alphabetically by term of entry, with full names, surname first, in bold. Father's (or widowed mother's) name is given (surname and initials) in capitals, and address. Then there is the name of the house (N. T., North Town; S. H., School House; S. T., South Town), first and last forms, distinctions in school work and games, and month of leaving. Where known, the editor then gave a career summary with month of death; or, if still living, address as in 1925 (in italics). Of course, in the case of boys entering the school in the years immediately before 1925, they were either still at school or their careers were still ahead of them.
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Boys entering Clifton College
Boys entering Wellington College in Berkshire (1922)
Wellington College, near Wokingham, was originally founded for the education of sons of military officers. A register of boys entering the school from First Term 1859 to Michaelmas 1933 was compiled by F. G. Lawrence for the Old Wellingtonian Society. In each entry the boy's name is given in full, in bold, surname first; age at entry (usually 11 to 14); then, in brackets, the name of the dormitory or house to which he belonged, in italics, with the years of his stay; then his father's name (usually surname and initials, but not christian name) with military decorations where appropriate. School prefects and captains are noted as such; if the boy played cricket for the school, XI with the years; academic honours, scholarships, &c.; a brief biography; and date of death, or (where known) address in 1933. Year of marriage is given, and sometimes the wife's name and/or her father's name. Clearly, those boys who kept contact with the school and/or had distinguished military careers have detailed entries; others disappeared into oblivion on leaving.
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Boys entering Wellington College in Berkshire
Residents of East Africa (1922)
The East African Standard compiled this directory of residents of Kenya Colony (K.C.) and Protectorate, Uganda Protectorate (U.P. or Ug.), Tanganyika Territory (T.T.) and Zanzibar Sultanate (Z. or Zbr.)
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Residents of East Africa
Apprehended by the police at Burton-upon-Trent in Staffordshire (1923)
The Police Gazette was published by Authority by the London Metropolitan Police, and circulated, as confidential, to the police forces throughout Britain and Ireland. The contents were based on the information routinely submitted to the Criminal Record Office. One of the regular features was a section entitled Apprehensions Sought, in which each police force gave details of people for whom arrest warrants had been issued and were now on their Wanted list. In order that the forces receiving the Police Gazette could keep their copies up to date, it was necessary to publish notices of those suspects who had in due course been arrested, and these were given in a section headed Apprehensions. The name of the arresting force is given (in bold); then the full name of the suspect (in bold), the C. R. O. number, and the case number and date of issue of the original Wanted notice from the Police Gazette. Variations of surname spelling and aliases are noted in the descriptions, and these variants and aliases have also been indexed.
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Apprehended by the police at Burton-upon-Trent in Staffordshire
Apprehended by the police at Hove in Sussex (1923)
The Police Gazette was published by Authority by the London Metropolitan Police, and circulated, as confidential, to the police forces throughout Britain and Ireland. The contents were based on the information routinely submitted to the Criminal Record Office. One of the regular features was a section entitled Apprehensions Sought, in which each police force gave details of people for whom arrest warrants had been issued and were now on their Wanted list. In order that the forces receiving the Police Gazette could keep their copies up to date, it was necessary to publish notices of those suspects who had in due course been arrested, and these were given in a section headed Apprehensions. The name of the arresting force is given (in bold); then the full name of the suspect (in bold), the C. R. O. number, and the case number and date of issue of the original Wanted notice from the Police Gazette. Variations of surname spelling and aliases are noted in the descriptions, and these variants and aliases have also been indexed.
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Apprehended by the police at Hove in Sussex
Boys entering Marlborough College (1923)
The public school at Marlborough in Wiltshire was founded in 1843. In 1952 this, 9th, edition of the college register was published, being a revision by L. Warwick James of the 8th edition (of 1936): but for the years before 1936 it does not merely repeat the 8th edition, because Warwick James was able to correct the 19th-century entries with information from newly-discovered letters and books from 1843 to 1853, and the school lists from 1844 onwards. The roll is arranged by year, and within each year by term of entrance, and then alphabetically by surname within each term. Each boy is assigned a number within the year: then his name is given, surname first, and, in brackets, his house. The houses within the college were called B1, B2, B3, C1, C2 and C3, and the Lower School (L Sch); the out college houses were Preshute, Priory, Cotton, Hermitage, Littlefield, Barton Hill, Summerfield and Upcot. Then there is given the boy's father's name (surname and initials) and address (at entrance), the boy's date of birth (b) and month of leaving (l). Where the boy represented the school at Rugby football (XV) or cricket (XI), in the rifle corps (VIII, or RC XI), that is indicated. There is a brief summary of achievements in later life, and, where known, and date of death or (in italics) address as in 1952.
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Boys entering Marlborough College
Boys entering Sherborne School (1923)
The grammar school at Sherborne in Dorset, which doubtless existed from the creation of the diocese of Sherborne in 705, was refounded by king Edward VI in 1550. At the quatercentenary in 1950, a fourth edition of the Sherborne Register was published, listing boys entering the school during those four centuries. In truth, the materials for this register survive but fitfully before 1823; for some years, no names are known; sometimes all that is known is a surname. But from 1823 onwards the lists and the details get steadily more comprehensive. By the 20th century the boys are listed alphabetically by surname under term of entrance. Surname is given in bold, then christian names, name of father (surname and initials) and address; year of birth; house (a, School House; b, Abbey House; c, The Green; d, Harper House (formerly The Retreat); f, Abbeylands; g, Lyon House; h, Westcott House); whether represented the school at cricket (xi), football (xv), shooting (viii), &c.; year of leaving; summary of degrees, career &c.; and (in italics), address as of 1950. Names in the early lists marked with an asterisk are found inscribed on the oak panelling or on the stone walls of the former schoolroom. (F) in the lists indicates a foundationer, receiving free education: after 1827, when this privilege was restricted to boys from Sherborne and neighbourhood, nearly all foundationers were day-boys.
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Boys entering Sherborne School
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