Alnutt Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'alnutt'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 22 records (displaying 1 to 10): Single Surname Subscription | | Buying all 22 results of this search individually would cost £124.00. But you can have free access to all 22 records for a year, to view, to save and print, for £100. Save £24.00. More... |
These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Hertfordshire Sessions
(1658-1700) Incidents from the Hertfordshire Sessions Books and Minute Books. These cover a wide range of criminal and civil business for the county: numerically, the the most cases (759) concerned not attending church; presentments about repairs to roads and bridges (247); unlicensed and disorderly alehouses (226); assault (156); badgers, higlers, &c., trading without licence (142); and trading without due apprenticeship (117). This calendar gives abstracts of all entries in the Sessions Books and Minute Books for Hertfordshire sessions for the period.ALNUTT. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Treasury Books
(1700-1701) Records of the Treasury administration in Britain, America and the colonies, from October 1700 to December 1701.
ALNUTT. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Treasury and Customs Officials, Civil Servants, Military Officers and Pensioners
(1706-1707) Government accounts, with details of income and expenditure in Britain, America and the colonies, October 1706 to December 1707: an abstract prepared by William A. Shaw, and issued in 1952 by authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, but not hitherto indexed. These are the main Revenue and Expenditure Accounts, together with the audited Declared Accounts for each main department: Guards and Garrisons; the Army in the Low Countries; the Army in Spain and Portugal; purchase of horses for remounting the Forces sent to Portugal, and subsidy paid to the King of Portugal; Marines; Transport; Remittances to Flanders; Chelsea Hospital; Navy Treasurer; Commission for Sick and Wounded Seamen and Exchange of Prisoners-of-War; Prize Ships; Admiralty Droits; Salvage Money; Ordnance; Cofferer of the Household; Treasurer of the Chamber; Her Majesty's Works and Buildings; Queen Anne's Private Pensions; Treasury Solicitor; the Tin Affair in Cornwall and Devon; Customs; Tobacco; Silks and Linens; Excise; Salt Duty; Malt Duty; the Mint; Wine Licences; General Letter Office and Penny Post Office; Stamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper; Hackney Coach Licences; Hawkers and Pedlars; Hanaper; First Fruits and Tenths.
ALNUTT. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Treasury Books
(1706-1707) Records of the Treasury administration in Britain, America and the colonies, for October 1706 to December 1707. These abstracts of the Treasury minute books and corresponding warrants for this period covers a huge variety of topics involving all manner of receipts and expenditure, customs and revenue officials, civil servants, pensioners, petitioners and postmasters figuring particularly among the individuals named.
ALNUTT. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Officers at the Battle of Almanza
(1707) 25 April 1707 at Almanza in southeast Spain a decisive battle was fought in the war of the Spanish succession; the French (under the Duke of Berwick) shattered an Anglo-Spanish army (under the Earl of Galway) advancing on Madrid. In January 1711 the House of Lords held an inquiry into the debacle, and among the papers produced was this 'List of the Names of the General Officers and other Commission Officers that were at the Battle of Almanza'. Arranged by regiment, it gives full names of captains, lieutenants, cornets, quartermasters, chaplains, surgeons and adjutants. In almost every case the lists are annotated as to whether each officer was actually present at the battle (most were), and whether killed in the conflict. The list was edited by Maurice F. Bond, clerk of the records to the House, and published in 1949.ALNUTT. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| House of Lords Proceedings
(1706-1708) Private bills dealing with divorce, disputed and entailed estates: petitions, reports and commissions: naturalisation proceedings. This abstract of the archives from the beginning of the second Session of the second Parliament of queen Anne, 3 December 1706, to the end of the first Parliament of Great Britain, 15 April 1708, was prepared by F. W. Lascelles and C. K. Davidson and printed in 1921 in continuation of the volumes issued under the authority of the Historical Manuscripts Commission.ALNUTT. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Treasury Books
(1708) Records of the Treasury administration in Britain, America and the colonies, from January to December 1708. These also include records of the appointment and replacement of customs officers such as tide waiters and surveyors.ALNUTT. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| House of Lords Proceedings
(1710-1712) Acts, appeal cases, bills, commissions, estate acts and bills, and writs of summons. This abstract of the archives from 21 March 1710 (New Style) to 16 June 1712, was prepared by Maurice F. Bond and printed in 1949 in continuation of the volumes issued under the authority of the Historical Manuscripts Commission. The proceedings are cross-referenced to the printed Lords Journal (L. J.). In this period there were several important estate acts, dealing with disputed and/or entailed landed estates, which by their nature give some detail about the families involved.ALNUTT. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Treasury Books
(1714-1715) Records of the Treasury administration in Britain and the colonies, for August 1714 to December 1715. This is a digest of Treasury Minute Books T29/21-22; Disposition Books T61/22-23; King's Warrants T52/24, 26-29; Order Books T60/8-9; Plantation Auditor Out Letters T64/90; Caveat Book T64/40; Warrants Relating to Money T53/14, 16-25; Warrants Not Relating to Money T54/21-24; Lord Chamberlain's Warrants T56/18; Queen Anne's Debts T56/34; Customs Out Letters T11/16; General Out Letters T27/21-23; Ireland Out Letters T14/9-10; North Britain (Scotland) Out Letters T17/2-3; Affairs of Taxes T22/2; Reference Books T4/8-9; and Register of Papers Read at the Treasury Board T4/19: prepared by William A. Shaw for the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury.ALNUTT. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Masters and Apprentices
(1716) Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's father's name and address, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. 1 January to 2 August 1716.ALNUTT. Cost: £8.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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