Badgley Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'badgley'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 10 records (displaying 1 to 10): Buy all | | Get all 10 records to view, to save and print for £50.00 |
These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Traders and Merchants in London
(1791) The Universal British Directory was published in five volumes, starting in 1791. The professions included in the London section are very diverse: the addresses are mostly from central London. Some are marked 'F. M.', meaning Freeholder of Middlesex.BADGLEY. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Owners of Merchantmen
(1804) The Society for the Registry of Shipping was instituted in 1760, and published an annual register and supplement. The annual register consisted of an alphabetical list of ships surveyed for insurance in Britain and Ireland, together with an alphabetical supplement. The society maintained a Registry Office at which alterations and additions were notified, and members delivering their registers when called for had them updated and returned on the following or the ensuing day. Each ship was given a number within each letter of the alphabet: ships' names were not unique, so within each name a ship was identified by the name of the captain or master at the time of the last survey. Then abbreviations indicate the type of vessel (Bg, brig; Cr, cutter; Dr, dogger; G, galliott; H, hoy; K, ketch; S, ship; Sk, smack; Sp, sloop; Sr, schooner; St, schoot; Sw, snow), and whether sheathed (s) and/or doubled (d) with copper (C) and iron bolts (I B) or over boards (W & C), or copper fastened (c f) or copper bolted (c b), sometimes with a date, such as (17)88. The third column, reserved for masters' names, is not particularly wide; with short surnames, an initial will be given; but longer surnames omit the initials, and even longer surnames are abbreviated. It will be borne in mind that these are the names of the masters not (necessarily) in 1804, but at the time of the last survey. Often new masters had been appointed by the time of re-survey, and their names are added in slightly smaller type under the original master's names in the third column. In the fourth column is the tonnage: where there is a blank under the number this indicates that the ship had two decks; more often the letters S D (B) for single deck (with beams); D W for deep waist; S D W single deck with deep waist; B D W single deck with beams and deep waist. Underneath the entry may run references to recent repairs: Cl. clincher built; Drp. damages repaired; grp. good repairs; len. lengthened; lrp. large repairs; N. (new) B. bottom, D. deck, Kl. keel, Sds. sides or UW. upper-works; rb. rebuilt; rsd. raised; S. rprs. some repairs; or trp. thorough Repair. In italics, the timber of the ship is described - B. B., black birch; C., cedar; H., hazel; J., juniper; L. O., live oak; M., mahogany; P., pine; P. P., pitch pine; S., spruce; W. H., witch hazel. Where the vessel was armed, the number of guns is given, and occasionally a remark such as 'captured' will appear. The fifth column gives the place that the ship was built. For foreign ships this may be as vague as 'Dutch' or 'French'; but nothing in this record specifically indicates the nationality of ship, master or owners, except that an A. under the owner's name indicates that the vessel was United States property. The sixth column gives the year of the ship's age; some were still sailing after 30 or 40 years. The seventh column gives the owner's name, abbreviated in the same way as the master's name. Where the master was the owner, the word Capt. will appear. With vessels owned abroad, the name in this column is sometimes that of the port of origin, not the surname of the owner. Where there has been a change of owner by the time of re-survey, the new name is put underneath in smaller type. The printer sought to avoid confusion by aligning names of ports to the left and surnames to the right, but that leaves longer names doubtful. The eighth column gives the feet of the draught of water when loaded. The ninth column shows the destined voyage for which the survey took place, with the port of survey abbreviated (Be., Belfast; Br., Bristol; Co., Cork; Cs, Cowes; Da., Dartmouth; Du., Dublin; Eh, Exmouth; Ex., Exeter; Fa., Falmouth; Gr., Greenock; Hl, Hull; La., Lancaster; Lh, Leith; Li., Liverpool; Lo., London; Ly., Lynn; Po., Poole; Ph, Portsmouth; Sc., Star-Cross; Tn., Teignmouth; Tp., Topsham; Wa., Waterford; Wn, Whitehaven; Ya., Yarmouth), and the letter C where the vessel was a constant trader between the two ports. The tenth column gives the classification of the vessel (A, first; E, second; I., third - O and U for fourth and fifth are never used) and its stores (1, first; 2, second; 3, third) and the year of survey, e. g. 00 for 1800, or, if surveyed during 1803, the month, e. g. 3 for March. Where the vessel has been re-surveyed, the classification letter and number will be repeated or revised in the final column. The sample scan is from the main list. This is the index to owners in the main list and the supplement.BADGLEY. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Dissolutions of Partnerships
(1841) Trade partnerships dissolved, or the removal of one partner from a partnership of several traders, in England and Wales
BADGLEY. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Dissolutions of Partnerships
(1843) Trade partnerships dissolved, or the removal of one partner from a partnership of several traders, in England and Wales
BADGLEY. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Officers of the British Army
(1860) The New Annual Army List first lists officers of the rank of major and above, by rank, and with dates of appointment to each successive higher rank, and (where appropriate) when placed on half pay. An asterisk indicates temporary rank; a superscript p shows that a commission was purchased; a dagger shows officers on the half pay of their last regimental commission. An ornate W indicates those officers actually present in any of the actions of 16, 17 or 18 June 1815 and therefore awarded the Waterloo Medal; P is put before the name of an officer who served in the Peninsula or the South of France; T for the Battle of Trafalgar; VC for the Victoria Cross. For each officer in this section, the final column notes his then present or immediately former regiment and/or office, if any. Next, all the officers of the army are listed, down to the rank of ensign, by regiment or corps, giving rank, name, date of rank in the regiment, and date of rank in the army, with occasional further notes. Again, holders of medals are duly noted, as in the first list. For each regiment the paymaster, adjutant, quartermaster, surgeon and assistant surgeons are named, as well as the civilian agent; and the regimental motto, battle honours, and colours of the facings and lace of the dress uniform are stated. After the British regiments of the line, the Rifle Brigade, the officers of the West India infantry, the Ceylon rifles, the Cape Mounted Riflemen, the Royal Canadian Rifles, St Helena Regiment and the Gold Coast Artillery Corps are given; then the officers of the garrisons and other military establishments; the Royal Artillery; Royal Engineers; Royal Marines; Commissariat Department; Medical Department; Staff Officers of Pensioners; Chaplains' Department; Staff (of Great Britain, Australia, Bahamas, Bermuda, British Columbia, Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, East Indies, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Heligoland, Hong Kong, Ionian Islands, Jamaica (including Honduras), Malta, Mauritius, Newfoundland, North America, St Helena, the Western Coast of Africa, and the Windward and Leeward Islands); Military and Civil Department; and Barrack Masters. Then there is a separate list of officers retained on retired full pay and half pay (including the German Legion, the Brunswick Cavalry, the Brunswick Infantry, Chasseurs Brittaniques, Royal Corsican Rangers, the Greek Light Infantry, Royal Malta Regiment, Meuron's Regiment, Roll's Regiment, Sicilian Regiment, Watteville's Regiment, the York Light Infantry Volunteers, Foreign Veteran Battalion and the Foreign Corps of Waggoners).BADGLEY. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Boys entering Cheltenham College
(1865) Cheltenham College 'was founded in order to provide for the sons of gentlemen a Classical, Mathematical, and General Education of the highest order, on moderate terms, in strict conformity with the principles and doctrines of the Church of England.'
Andrew Alexander Hunter, the college registrar, compiled the first edition of the College Register in four parts from 1883 to 1886: these merely listed the boys by term of entry, with their dates of birth and names and addresses of their fathers. Circulars were also sent out to all Old Cheltonians whose addresses were known, requesting additional details. On the basis of the returns from these and Hunter's further researches, this much fuller register was published in 1890.
The information after each boy's name is given (where known and applicable) in this format: father's full name and address as of the time the boy entered the college; class and department on entering the college (classes being number from 1 downwards, and these again divided into A and B, some into C and D, others into P (Principal's side) and V. P. (Vice-Principal's side) - 1A was the highest class in each department: besides this, certain others were called Addiscombe, Woolwich, Civil, Direct, Line, Sandhurst, Naval, Special, Preparatory, Latin, and India Civil) and the same on leaving, name of Boarding House (or 'Day Boy'), scholastic and athletic honours attained at the college, and subsequent career (including date and place of death, or present address in 1890, if known).BADGLEY. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Associates of the Institution of Civil Engineers
(1904) The Institution of Civil Engineers was established 2 January 1818, and incorporated by royal charter 3 June 1828. The annual report lists the names and addresses (throughout the world) of the four classes of member - members (M. Inst. C. E.), associate members (Assoc. M. Inst. C. E.), associates (Assoc. Inst. C. E.), students (Stud. Inst. C. E.) - with the dates of admission. This is the index to the Associates. The symbols at the left of each page are * for Former Students, + for contributors of papers published in the Minutes of Proceedings, or of an Engineering Conference Note; F for a deliverer of a James Forrest Lecture; L for a deliverer of one of the Special Series of Lectures; and various letters for recipients of certain medals and prizes - B, Bayliss Prize; C, Crampton Prize; f, James Forrest Medal; H, Howard Quinquennial Prize; J, Joule Medal; M, Miller Scholarship; m, Miller Prize; italic m, Manby Premium; S, George Stephenson Medal or Prize; T, Telford Premium; t, Telford Premium; italic t, Trevithick Premium; and W, Watt Medal. Those elected prior to 2 December 1878 had been transferred into this class by the Council.BADGLEY. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Indian Civil Servants
(1904) The India List and India Office List was compiled from official records by direction of the Secretary of State for India in Council, and published by the India Office annually. The volume for 1905 includes this Record of Services, corrected to 1 July 1904. It includes Officers of the Home Establishment of the Secretary of State, Officers of the Covenanted Civil Service, and those appointed under the Native Civil Service Rules, other Officers in Civil Employment in India whose substantive pay was at least 1000 rupees a month, and, with a few exceptions, all officers of those classes who had retired since 1886.BADGLEY. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Officers of the British Army and of the Indian Army
(1934) The Half-Yearly Army List, issued By Authority, 30 June 1934, lists all officers in active service at that date, and this list was evidence of the status and rank of the officers contained in it. The entries are set out as a gradation list, by rank, from field-marshals to lieutenants, and within each rank in order of seniority at that rank. Each officer's name (surname first, in capitals, then christian name and present rank (with date of achieving that rank) and regiment &c. are given, for convenience, in bold type, with any national decorations in italics after the name. Each entry also gives date of birth, number of days service in the ranks, dates of service in each rank of officer, particular offices and postings (with dates) and, where appropriate, a summary of war service, and medals. For all but the oldest of the officers then serving, the war service details are for the Great War (1914-1921), and campaigns in Iraq, Waziristan, and the North West Frontier of India. War services are not given in this edition for Indian Army officers, except in that their entries are preceded by a crossed swords symbol where they have seen war service in a theatre of war overseas. After the gradation list of officers, there is a section for the Royal Malta Artillery; and then (pages 1152 to 1185) warrant officers - staff or garrison serjeant-majors, educational serjeant-majors, serjeant-major (physical training and educational) instructors, regimental serjeant-majors (and corporal-majors, farrier-serjeant majors, master gunners, assistant instructors in gunnery, experimental serjeant-majors, artillery clerks, farrier-serjeant-majors, artificer serjeant-majors, clerks of works, mechanist, superintending clerks, draughtsmen, 1st class staff serjeant-majors, transport, supply, conductors, sub-conductors, armourers, armament artificers, headmasters, schoolmasters, marine gunners, and bandmasters. The section for the Royal Army Chaplains' Department lists all chaplains (1st to 3rd class); and that for Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service has all matrons, sisters and staff nurses. The lists of nurses do not give date of birth: all are unmarried. The book concludes with the Yeomen of the Guard, the Honourable Company of Gentlemen-at-Arms, and the King's Body Guard for Scotland, in each case giving name (surname and initials, not christian names), honours, name of late regiment, and date of appointment.
BADGLEY. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Bristol Area Telephone Subscribers
(1957) The Post Office Bristol Area Telephone Directory lists subscribers alphabetically by surname and then by christian name or initials, with their postal address and telephone number. This is the directory issued in December 1957. The Bristol telephone area not only covered the city centre, but also included Abbots Leigh, Abson Wick, Acton Turville, Alderton, All Cannings, Allerton, Almondsbury, Alveston, Ashwick, Atworth, Aust, Avonmouth, Axbridge, Backwell, Badminton, Bailbrook, Baltonsborough, Banwell, Barrow Gurney, Barton St David, Batcombe, Bath, Bathampton, Bathford, Beanacre, Beckington, Biddestone, Binegar, Bishop Sutton, Bishop's Cannings, Bishopstrow, Bishopsworth, Bitton, Blackford, Blagdon, Bleadon, Boreham, Bower Ashton, Box, Box Hill, Bradenstoke, Bradford on Avon, Bratton, Braysdown, Bremhill, Brentry, Bridgeyate, Brinkworth, Brockley, Brokenborough, Bromham, Broughton Gifford, Bruton, Buckland Dinham, Buckover, Bulkington, Burrington, Burton (near Chippenham), Butcombe, Butleigh, Calne, Camerton, Cannings, Carlingcott, Castle Combe, Chantry, Chapel Allerton, Chapmanslade, Charlcombe, Charlton (near Westbury-on-Trym), Charlton (near Malmesbury), Charmy Down, Cheddar, Chelwood, Cherhill, Chew Magna, Chew Stoke, Chewton Mendip, Chilcompton, Chippenham, Chipping Sodbury, Chirton, Chittening, Chitterne, Christian Malford, Churchill, Clandown, Clapton-in-Gordano, Claverham, Claverton, Cleeve, Clevedon, Clutton, Coalpit Heath, Coate, Cocklake, Codrington, Coleford, Colerne, Combe, Combe Hay, Compton Bassett, Compton Dando, Compton Dundon, Compton Greenfield, Compton Martin, Congresbury, Coombe Dingle, Corsham, Corsley, Corston (near Bath), Corston (near Malmesbury), Cortington, Coulston, Coxley, Cranmore, Crockerton, Croscombe, Cross, Crudwell, Dauntsey, Derry Hill, Devizes, Didmarton, Dilton, Dinder, Ditcheat, Doulting, Downend, Downside, Doynton, Draycott, Dulcote, Dundry, Dunkerton, Dyrham, Easter Compton, East Harptree, East Horrington, East Pennard, Eastcourt, Easterton, Easton (near Wells), Easton Grey, Easton-in-Gordano, Edington, Edingworth, Elberton, Emborough, Englishbatch, Englishcombe, Erlestoke, Etchilhampton, Evercreech, Failand, Farleigh (near Bristol), Farleigh Hungerford, Farmborough, Farrington Gurney, Faulkland, Felton, Filton, Fishponds, Flax Bourton, Ford (near Chippenham), Ford (Litton), Foxcote, Foxley, Frampton Cotterell, Frenchay, Freshford, Frome, Gastard, Glastonbury, Godney, Great Cheverell, Great Elm, Great Somerford, Greenore, Grittleton, Gurney Slade, Hallatrow, Hallen, Hambrook, Hamswell, Hanham, Hankerton, Hawkeridge, Hawkesbury Upton, Hawthorn, Haybridge, Haydon, Heddington, Hemington, Henbury, Henleaze, Henton, Hewish, Heytesbury, Heywood, High Littleton, Hilmarton, Hilperton, Hilperton Marsh, Hinton Blewitt, Hinton Charterhouse, Holcombe, Holt, Horningham, Horton (near Bristol), Horton (near Devizes), Hullavington, Hutton (near Weston-Super-Mare), Iron Acton, Keevil, Kellaways, Kelston, Kenn, Keward, Kewstoke, Keynsham, Kilmersdon, Kilmesdon Common, Kilmington, Kingston Deverill, Kingston Seymour, Kingswood, Kington Langley, Kingwell, Knole Park, Lacock, Lamyatt, Langford, Langridge, Launcherley, Laverton, Lavington, Lawrence Weston, Lea, Leigh-on-Mendip, Limpley Stoke, Little Badminton, Little London, Little Somerford, Little Stoke, Littleton Panell, Littleton-upon-Severn, Litton, Locking, Long Ashton, Longbridge Deverill, Longwell Green, Lower Westwood, Loxton, Luckington, Lullington, Lulsgate, Lydeway, Lympsham, Lyneham, Lypeate, Maiden Bradley, Malmesbury, Mangotsfield, Marden, Mark, Market Lavington, Marksbury, Marshfield, Marston, Meare Heath, Melksham, Mells, Midford, Midsomer Norton, Milton (near Weston-Super-Mare), Minety, Monkton Combe, Monkton Farleigh, Moorlynch, Nailsea, Neston, Nettlebridge, Newton St Loe, North Bradley, North Stoke, North Trowbridge, North Wootton, North Wraxall, Norton Malreward, Norton St Philip, Nunney, Oakhill, Oaksey, Old Down, Old Sodbury, Oldbury-on-Severn, Oldland Common, Olveston, Parbrook, Patchway, Patney, Paulton, Peasedown St John, Pensford, Pickwick, Pill, Pilning, Pilton, Polsham, Portbury, Portishead, Potterne, Poulshot, Priddy, Priston, Pucklechurch, Pylle, Quemerford, Radstock, Rangeworthy, Redhill, Rhodyate, Rodbourne, Rodden, Rode, Rodney Stoke, Rooksbridge, Roundway, Rowde, Rudgeway, St Catherines, Saltford, Sandford, Sea Mills, Seagry, Seend, Semington, Severn Beach, Shapwick, Shaw, Shawford, Shepton Mallet, Shepton Montague, Sherston, Shipham, Shirehampton, Shortwood (near Litton), Shortwood (near Mangotsfield), Shoscombe, Sopworth, Soundwell, South Brewham, South Stoke, South Wraxall, Southmead, Southwick, Stanton Drew, Stanton St Quintin, Staple Hill, Stapleton, Staverton, Steeple Ashton, Stert, Stockton, Stockwood Vale, Stoke Bishop, Stoke Gifford, Stoke Lane, Stoke St Michael, Stoneaston, Stoney Littleton, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Street, Sutton Benger, Sutton Veny, Tadwick, Tellisford, Temple Cloud, Theale, Thornbury, Tickenham, Tilshead, Timsbury, Tinhead, Tockington, Tormarton, Trowbridge, Trudoxhill, Tunley, Turleigh, Twinhoe, Tyntesfield, Tytherington, Ubley, Uphill, Upper Minety, Upper Swainswick, Upton Cheney, Upton Noble, Upton Scudamore, Urchfont, Vobster, Walton (near Street), Walton-in-Gordano, Walton St Mary, Wanstrow, Warleigh, Warminster, Warmley, Weare, Wedhampton, Wedmore, Wellow, Wells, Welton, West Ashton, West Harptree, West Horrington, West Kington, West Lavington, West Pennard, West Town, Westbury, Westbury Leight, Westbury-on-Trym, Westbury Sub Mendip, Westerleigh, Westfield, Westhay, Weston (near Bath), Weston-in-Gordano, Weston-Super-Mare, Whatley, Whitchurch, White Post, Wick, Willsbridge, Winford, Wingfield, Winscombe, Winsley, Winterbourne, Witham Friary, Withyditch, Wookey, Wookey Hole, Woolley, Woolverton, Worle, Worton, Wraxall, Wrington, Writhlington, Yarley, Yarnbrook, Yate, Yatesbury, Yatton (near Bristol), and Yatton Keynell.BADGLEY. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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