Caleb Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'caleb'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 13 records (displaying 1 to 10): Buy all | | Get all 13 records to view, to save and print for £66.00 |
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(1674) Hearth tax was raised by assessing each householder on the number of chimneys to the dwelling. This provided a simple way to make a rough judgment as to the value of the dwelling: paupers were issued exemption certificates, but they too were listed at the end of each return. The returns were made by township, grouped by hundred. A complete copy of the hearth tax return for each shire was sent to the Exchequer: this is the return for Suffolk for Lady Day (25 March) 1674 (E 179/257/14) as printed in 1905 as Suffolk Green Book no xi, vol. 13. The numbers given are the numbers of hearths: where two or more people are grouped together with one number, it may be assumed that they were heads of separate households sharing a single building with that number of chimneys.CALEB. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Merchant Seamen
(1835-1844) At this period, the foreign trade of ships plying to and from the British isles involved about 150,000 men on 15,000 ships; and the coasting trade about a quarter as many more. A large proportion of the seamen on these ships were British subjects, and so liable to be pressed for service in the Royal Navy; but there was no general register by which to identify them, so in 1835 parliament passed a Merchant Seamen's Registration Bill. Under this act a large register of British seamen was compiled, based on ships' crew lists gathered in British and Irish ports, and passed up to the registry in London. A parliamentary committee decided that the system devised did not answer the original problem, and the register was abandoned after less than two years: the system was then restarted in this form, with a systematic attempt to attribute the seamen's (ticket) numbers, and to record successive voyages. The register records the number assigned to each man; his name; age; birthplace; quality (S = seaman, &c.); and the name and official number of his ship, with the date of the crew list (usually at the end of a voyage). Most of the men recorded were born in the British Isles, but not all. The system was still very cumbersome, because the names were amassed merely under the first two letters of surname; an attempt was made to separate out namesakes by giving the first instance of a name (a), the second (b), and so on. In this volume the register is restarted from 1840 onwards, with the mariner's previous number (if any) being entered in the column after his birthplace. In the event of it becoming known that a man had died during the course of a voyage, that information is written across the remaining empty columns. This volume (BT 112/11) covers mariners whose surnames start with Ca (and McCa).CALEB. Cost: £8.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Residents and Traders in Birmingham
(1861) William Cornish's Corporation General and Trades Directory covered Birmingham, Coventry and the towns of the Black Country. The Birmingham section contains both street lists and this general alphabetical directory. CALEB. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Debtors
(1887) County Court Judgments in England and Wales. July to September 1887CALEB. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Associates of King's College, London
(1896) Former students of King's College, London, could be elected as associates of the college, and then enjoyed the privilege of perpetual free admission to all the classes in the department from which they had been elected; the use of the libraries and museums on the same basis as current students; and admission to dine at high table in the college hall. This list of associates from the college calendar for 1896-1897 gives year of election, full name (surname first), and the faculty or department in which graduated, of all associates elected from 1866 to 1896.CALEB. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Members of music institutions
(1905) The calendar of the Trinity College of Music, London, for 1905-1906 includes a section listing institutions enrolled in union with the college (throughout the world) with names of secretaries; centres authorised by the board for the holding of local examinations in music, with names of secretaries; and the local centre committees, with names of chairmen, secretaries, and members of their boards.CALEB. Cost: £8.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Punjab Medical Department
(1905) The India List and India Office List was compiled from official records by direction of the Secretary of State for India in Council, and published by the India Office annually. It covers civil servants and military except for officers drawing substantive pay of less than 500 rupees a month. Names shown in italics are those of officers in foreign service, supernumerary, seconded or employed outside their own departments. This list, for the Medical Department of the lieutenant-governorship of Punjab, includes Civil Surgeons, and senior staff of Lahore Medical College, the Sanitation and Vaccination Department, Punjab Lunatic Asylum, Punjab Veterinary College, and the Civil Veterinary Department.CALEB. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Members of Durham University
(1910) The alphabetical list of all living members of Durham University, issued in 1910, was compiled from the Admission Book and University Register. It gives surname, initials, degree, college, and date. Those marked with an asterisk were Members of Convocation. In the case of graduates in Arts, Theology (except in the case of Bachelors of Divinity) and Civil Law, the dates refer to the year in which the examination for the degree of B.A. was passed; in the case of Bachelors of Divinity who were not Graduates in Arts, of Licentiates in Theology, of Civil Engineers, and of Licentiates in Medicine, to the year in which each passed the Final Examination. In the case of Hygiene, Science, and Music, to the year in which the Examination for B.Hy., B.Sc., or B.Mus. was passed; and in the case of Graduates in Medicine to the year in which the Examination for the degree of M.B. was passed, except in the case of practitioners, when the date refers to the year in which the examination for the degree specified was passed. In cases where no date is given the degree is Ad Eundem, unless it is marked honorary. The abbreviations are: Arms., Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Codr., Codrington College, Barbados; Cos., Bishop Cosin's Hall; F. Bay, Fourah Bay, Sierra Leone; Hatf., Bishop Hatfield's Hall; Med., College of Medicine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; St. Chad's, St Chad's Hall; St. John's, St John's Hall; Univ., University College.CALEB. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Medical Practitioners in the Provinces
(1926) The Medical Directory was split into several sections. The Provinces section covered all medical practitioners resident in England outside the London postal district (except those in Monmouthsire, who were listed under Wales). Each year a schedule was sent to each doctor to be returned to the publishers, so as to keep the directory up to date. In the directory the doctor's name is given first, in bold, surname first, in capitals; then current address. Next are the qualifications; the italic abbreviations in parentheses following the qualifications indicate the medical school at which they were gained. Then there is a list of posts and honours within the profession, starting with those then current; previous posts are preceded by the word 'late'. Finally, brief details are given of any publications.CALEB. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Surgeons
(1928) The Royal College of Surgeons, established by royal charters, issued this calendar 1 August 1928, including official lists of all its fellows, members, licentiates and diplomates. The register of fellows gives full name (surname first) and address (in italics), with dates of admission as fellow and member. The list of members gives year of admission, full name (surname first) and town or country of residence. The lists of licentiates give year of admission and full name, but no indication of current address: entries of fellows of the college are prefixed with a double dagger, those of members with an asterisk. The lists of diplomates give year of admission and full name (surname first), with those diplomates who were neither members nor fellows of the college indicated with a dagger. This is the index to the members.CALEB. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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