Officers of the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines
(1898) The Navy List, published by Authority, corrected to 18 December 1898, has this list of the officers on the Active List of the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines. Each officer's surname, christian name, and any middle initial(s) is given; with rank, date of seniority in that rank, and 'where serving', the last being the number of his ship. The ranks are: A, Admiral; A E, Assistant Engineer; A F, Admiral of the Fleet; A P, Assistant Paymaster; Art E, Artificer Engineer; As Ck, Assistant Clerk; B, Boatswain; Bandr, Bandmaster Royal Marines; C, Captain; Car, Carpenter; Ch, Chaplain; Ch B, Chief Boatswain; Ch Cr, Chief Carpenter; Ch E, Chief Engineer; Ch Gr, Chief Gunner; Ch P; Paymaster-in-Chief; Ck, Clerk; Cr, Commander; D I H, Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets; E, Engineer; E Ins, Inspector of Machinery; F E, Fleet Engineer; F P, Fleet Paymaster; F S, Fleet Surgeon; Gr, Gunner; H Sch, Head Schoolmaster; I H, Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets; L, Lieutenant; Mid, Midshipman; N C, Naval Cadet; N I, Naval Instructor; P, Paymaster; R A, Rear Admiral; S, Surgeon; S C, Staff-Captain; S Cr, Staff Commander; S E, Staff Engineer; S L, Sub-Lieutenant; S P, Staff Paymaster; S S, Staff Surgeon; Schm, Schoolmaster Royal Marines; St Ma, Sergeant Major Royal Marines; V A, Vice Admiral; W O, Warrant Officer Royal Marines. The column 'Where serving' also may have these abbreviations: AdC, Aide-de-Camp to the Queen; AO, Clerk to Secretary to a Flag Officer; CG, Coast Guard; CGP, Coast Guard Pension; DY, Dock Yard; GH, Greenwich Hospital; GHP, Greenwich Hospital Pension; GSP, Good Service Pension; NH, Naval Hospital; NID, Naval Intelligence Department; NP, Naval Pension (late Out-Pension of Greenwich Hospital); PW, Pension for Wounds; Sec, Secretary to a Flag Officer; TP, Travers Pension; TS, In the Transport Service; VY, Victualling Yard.
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