Freel Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'freel'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 8 records (displaying 1 to 8): Buy all | | Get all 8 records to view, to save and print for £52.00 |
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(1771) Births, marriages and deaths, reports of crimes, trials and hangings, and general news, mainly from England, reported in the Chronicle section of the Annual RegisterFREEL. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Irish Insolvents
(1829) Insolvency notices for Ireland: insolvency often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost links, especially for emigrantsFREEL. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Irish Insolvents
(1838) Insolvency notices for Ireland: insolvency often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost links, especially for emigrantsFREEL. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Insolvents in Ireland
(1845) Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette, issued monthly, included lists of insolvencies and stages in the process whereby the insolvents petitioned for release from debtors' prison. The insolvent is generally referred to by name (surname first), address and trade. This is the index to the names of Irish insolvents, from the issues from January to December 1845.FREEL. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Sailors and marines awarded the Baltic Medal
(1854-1857) During the Crimean War, a British and French fleet entered the Baltic, and captured Bomarsund harbour and one of the Aland Islands (now part of Finland). Bomarsund is the sound between the islands and the Swedish island of Vardo; and at the fine harbour on Bomarsund, dominating the entrance of the Gulf of Bothnia, and indirectly that of the Gulf of Finland, the Russians had constructed a northern naval base, and this was destroyed in the attack. The British fleet taking part in the Baltic expedition comprised Her Majesty's ships Aeolus, Ajax, Alban, Algiers, Amphion, Archer, Arrogant, Basilisk, Belleisle, Blenheim, Boscawen, Bulldog, Caesar, Calcutta, Centaur, Colossus, Conflict, Cornwallis, Cossack, Cressy, Cruizer, Cuckoo, Cumberland, Dauntless, Desperate, Dragon, Driver, Duke of Wellington, Edinburgh, Esk, Euryalus, Exmouth, Falcon, Firefly, Geyser, Gladiator, Gorgon, Hannibal, Harrier, Hastings, Hawke, Hecla, Hogue, Imperieuse, James Watt, Leopard, Lightning, Locust, Magicienne, Majestic, Merlin, Miranda, Monarch, Neptune, Nile, Odin, Orion, Otter, Pembroke, Penelope, Pigmy, Porcupine, Prince Regent, Princess Royal, Pylades, Resistance, Retribution, Rhadamanthus, Rosamond, Royal George, Royal William, Russell, St George, St Jean D'Acre, St Vincent, Sphinx, Stromboli, Tartar, Termagant, Tribune, Tyne, Valorous, Volage, Volcano, Vulture, Wrangler and Zephyr. This is the medal roll of the naval and marine claimants who qualified for the Baltic Medal for service in 1854 to 1855. The medals were dispatched in batches from early 1857, the first batch being numbered B A 1, the next B A 2, &c.; then follows the destination (a place or, more usually, a ship) and the date of dispatch. Most of the medals had been sent by the end of 1857.FREEL. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Destitution in Donegal (1858) Hearing of extreme distress in Gweedore and Cloughaneely in Donegal (including Tory Island), an investigation was made by a group of clergymen, gentlemen and newspaper reporters, who found a large part of the populace (800 families) to be in severe poverty - clad in rags, barefoot, living in mud hovels, without furniture, beds or bedding, and subsisting for much of the year only by scavenging seaweed and shellfish from the seashore - beset by rapacious landlords (with their apparatus of lawyers and bailiffs) raising their rents and confiscating the mountain lands on which the poor had relied for pasture. A parliamentary Select Committee was appointed to investigate: its report includes detailed minutes of evidence of their investigations, including testimony relating to many named individuals who had coped with the local crisis and survived, or those who died, and lists of those whose cases had been looked into. The landlords rebutted any suggestion of impropriety, suggesting that when the investigation was made 'a great deal was got up for the occasion' by an inherently dirty peasantry that kept their animals in their houses, in the hope of obtaining relief money (which, to the tune of £3,200, had been received, mainly from England). Seaweed was remarkably nutritious. It was remarked that 'some of the men go to England and Scotland to earn money' and that 'a few young people emigrate yearly to join their relations in America and Australia'.
FREEL. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| War Services of British Army Officers
(1915) Hart's Annual Army List, Special Reserve List and Territorial Force List for 1915 includes this section entitled 'War Services of the Officers of the Active List', covering not only serving officers of the regular army, but also officers of the militia (marked (m)), special reserve (r), territorials (t), volunteers (v) and yeomanry (y). The detailed descriptions of the officers' war services relate not to the Great War, but to previous campaigns, particularly those in South Africa, Egypt, India and China. The regiment &c. in which the officer was currently serving is shown in brackets after his name. FREEL. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Imperial Service Medal
(1932) Awards by king George V of the Imperial Service Medal to officers of the Home Civil Service. The names are arranged alphabetically by surname and christian names, with office or rank in the service. FREEL. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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