Freth Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'freth'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 5 records (displaying 1 to 5):
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Ambassadors, ministers, soldiers and spies
(1588) The State Papers Foreign of queen Elizabeth consist mainly of letters and reports concerning England's relations with continental Europe. July to December 1588.FRETH. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
London Inquisitions Post Mortem
(1577-1603) Full and complete abstracts of inquisitions post mortem for the City of London in this period. These are inquiries as to the real estate and heir of each person holding in capite or in chief, i. e. directly, from the Crown. The precise date of death of the deceased and the age and relationship of the heir are usually recorded. This index covers all names mentioned, including jurors, tenants, &c. This abstract also includes a handful of earlier items omitted from previous volumes.FRETH. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Masters of Apprentices registered in Nottinghamshire
(1728-1731) Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's father's name and address, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. There are central registers for collections of the stamp duty in London, as well as returns from collectors in the provinces. These collectors generally received duty just from their own county, but sometimes from further afield. (The sample entry shown on this scan is taken from a Norfolk return)FRETH. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Dissolutions of Partnerships
(1835) Trade partnerships dissolved, or the removal of one partner from a partnership of several traders
FRETH. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Wiltshire Missionary Contributions (1866) Contributions (donations, legacies and collecting boxes) from 17 October 1866 to 19 November 1866 to the London Missionary Society. This index includes not only individual contributors but also local collectors and the ministers and treasurers reporting sums collected.
FRETH. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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