Guttmann Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'guttmann'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 8 records (displaying 1 to 8): Buy all | | Get all 8 records to view, to save and print for £40.00 |
These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Dissolutions of Partnerships
(1856) Trade partnerships dissolved, or the removal of one partner from a partnership of several traders, in England and Wales
GUTTMANN. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Bankrupts in England and Wales
(1858) Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette, issued monthly, included lists of bankruptcies and stages in the liquidation of the estate, payment of dividends, and discharge. The initial entry in this sequence gives the name of the bankrupt (surname first, in capitals), the date gazetted, address and trade (often with the phrase dlr. and ch., meaning dealer and chapman); the dates and times and courts of the official processes of surrender; the surname of the official commissioner (Com.); the surname of the official assignee; and the names and addresses of the solicitors; the date of the fiat; and whether on the bankrupt's own petition, or at the demand of petitioning creditors, whose names, trades and addresses are given. In subsequent entries the bankrupt is often merely referred to by name and trade. This is the index to the names of the bankrupts, from the issues from January to December 1858, which may or may not include the detailed first entry for any particular individual.GUTTMANN. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Members of the Institution of Civil Engineers
(1904) The Institution of Civil Engineers was established 2 January 1818, and incorporated by royal charter 3 June 1828. The annual report lists the names and addresses (throughout the world) of the four classes of member - members (M. Inst. C. E.), associate members (Assoc. M. Inst. C. E.), associates (Assoc. Inst. C. E.), students (Stud. Inst. C. E.) - with the dates of admission. This is the index to the Members, which also gives dates of transfer from other grades. The symbols at the left of each page are * for Former Students, + for contributors of papers published in the Minutes of Proceedings, or of an Engineering Conference Note; F for a deliverer of a James Forrest Lecture; L for a deliverer of one of the Special Series of Lectures; and various letters for recipients of certain medals and prizes - B, Bayliss Prize; C, Crampton Prize; f, James Forrest Medal; H, Howard Quinquennial Prize; J, Joule Medal; M, Miller Scholarship; m, Miller Prize; italic m, Manby Premium; S, George Stephenson Medal or Prize; T, Telford Premium; t, Telford Premium; italic t, Trevithick Premium; and W, Watt Medal.GUTTMANN. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Student Members of the Institution of Civil Engineers
(1904) The Institution of Civil Engineers was established 2 January 1818, and incorporated by royal charter 3 June 1828. The annual report lists the names and addresses (throughout the world) of the four classes of member - members (M. Inst. C. E.), associate members (Assoc. M. Inst. C. E.), associates (Assoc. Inst. C. E.), students (Stud. Inst. C. E.) - with the dates of admission. This is the index to the Students. The symbols at the left of each page are + for contributors of papers published in the Minutes of Proceedings, or of an Engineering Conference Note; F for a deliverer of a James Forrest Lecture; L for a deliverer of one of the Special Series of Lectures; and various letters for recipients of certain medals and prizes - B, Bayliss Prize; C, Crampton Prize; f, James Forrest Medal; H, Howard Quinquennial Prize; J, Joule Medal; M, Miller Scholarship; m, Miller Prize; italic m, Manby Premium; S, George Stephenson Medal or Prize; T, Telford Premium; t, Telford Premium; italic t, Trevithick Premium; and W, Watt Medal.GUTTMANN. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Naturalizations
(1925) The Home Office issued monthly lists of aliens to whom Certificates of Naturalization had been granted by the Secretary of State and whose oaths of allegiance had been registered in the Home Office. These notices, from January to December 1925, refer to naturalizations from December 1924 to November 1925. The lists give full name (surname first) with any aliases; country of origin; occupation; full postal address; date of taking the oath. A dagger indicates re-admission to British nationality.GUTTMANN. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Wives of Old Wellingtonians
(1933) Wellington College, near Wokingham, was originally founded for the education of sons of military officers. A register of boys entering the school from First Term 1859 to Michaelmas 1933 was compiled by F. G. Lawrence for the Old Wellingtonian Society. In each entry the boy's name is given in full, in bold, surname first; age at entry (usually 11 to 14); then, in brackets, the name of the dormitory or house to which he belonged, in italics, with the years of his stay; then his father's name (usually surname and initials, but not christian name) with military decorations where appropriate. School prefects and captains are noted as such; if the boy played cricket for the school, XI with the years; academic honours, scholarships, &c.; a brief biography; and date of death, or (where known) address in 1933. Year of marriage is given, and sometimes the wife's name and/or her father's name. Clearly, those boys who kept contact with the school and/or had distinguished military careers have detailed entries; others disappeared into oblivion on leaving. This is the index to the maiden names of the wives, who may or may not have survived to 1933.GUTTMANN. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Doctors in London
(1948) The Medical Directory was split into several sections. The London section covered all medical practitioners resident within the London postal district. Each year a schedule was sent to each doctor to be returned to the publishers, so as to keep the directory up to date. In the directory the doctor's name is given first, in bold, surname first, in capitals; then current address. Next are the qualifications; the italic abbreviations in parentheses following the qualifications indicate the medical school at which they were gained. Then there is a list of posts and honours within the profession, starting with those then current; previous posts are preceded by the word 'late'. Finally, brief details are given of any publications.GUTTMANN. Cost: £2.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| British Dentists: Foreign List
(1950) The Dentists Register is the official register of British dental practitioners. For each dentist the original certificate number is given; name (surname first, in bold; in the case of married women, maiden name is also usually given); address (in italics); date of registration; and the qualification entitling registration, with any additional qualifications, with year and place of qualification. Many of the older dentists, already practising by 1921, were qualified by virtue of the Dentists Act of that year. The section called the Foreign List comprises dentists qualified neither in Britain nor in the British colonies, but elsewhere in the world - mostly in central Europe; most were in 1950 practising in Britain, but a few of those listed were living abroad.GUTTMANN. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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