Guynne Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'guynne'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 4 records (displaying 1 to 4):
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Retired monks, nuns and chantry priests in the east Midlands
(1547-1551) Lists of pensions being paid to monks, nuns and chantry priests in the diocese of Lincoln after the dissolution of the monasteries and chantries. The diocese covered Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, part of Hertfordshire, Huntingdonshire, Leicestershire and Lincolnshire. Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire and Rutland, which had been shorn from the diocese, are not covered by these returns.
GUYNNE. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Liegemen and Traitors, Pirates and Spies
(1578-1580) The Privy Council of queen Elizabeth was responsible for internal security in England and Wales, and dealt with all manner of special and urgent matters
GUYNNE. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
(1820) Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments, general news and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad. January to June 1820.
GUYNNE. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Patentees of New Inventions
(1836-1837) Lists of English patents granted from 22 September 1836 to 27 March 1837: giving full name of the patentee, address and occupation; a brief description of the innovation, period of protection, and date of grant.GUYNNE. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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