Heiman Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'heiman'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 3 records (displaying 1 to 3):
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Dissolutions of partnerships in England and Wales
(1845) Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette, issued monthly, included lists of dissolutions of partnerships gazetted in England and Wales. The names of the partners are given in full, surnames in capitals, followed by trade and address, and date of the end of the partnership. Each entry usually ends with the phrase 'Debts by ...', indicating which partner intended to continue, and resume the responsibilities of, the business. This is the index to the names of the partners, from the issues from January to December 1845.HEIMAN. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
British Palestine: Business Partners
(1934) Official announcements of the British administration in Palestine were issued, By Authority, in the weekly Palestine Gazette. These include registration of business partnerships. The details are set out in the form: 1. Names and addresses of partners; 2. Firm name of partnership; 3. Names of partners authorised to administer the partnership and to sign for it; 4. Date of commencement and determination; 5. Object. In addition, there are various notices as to addition or removal of partners, dissolution of partnerships, &c.
Issues 451 to 482, July to December 1934.HEIMAN. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Inhabitants of Liverpool
(1955) Kelly's (Gore's) Directory of Liverpool and District includes this alphabetical list of residents and traders, with names, addresses, and (where applicable) telephone numbers. Covering a large area around Liverpool, the directory includes Bootle, Birkenhead and Wallasey, and thus the populous areas of southwest Lancashire and of the Wirral peninsula of Cheshire. HEIMAN. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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