Hewlitt Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'hewlitt'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 20 records (displaying 1 to 10): Single Surname Subscription | | Buying all 20 results of this search individually would cost £120.00. But you can have free access to all 20 records for a year, to view, to save and print, for £100. Save £20.00. More... |
These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Masters of apprentices
(1755) Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's name, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. 1 January to 31 December 1755.HEWLITT. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Apprentices registered at Shrewsbury
(1759) Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's name, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. There are central registers for collections of the stamp duty in London, as well as returns from collectors in the provinces. These collectors generally received duty just from their own county, but sometimes from further afield. The indentures themselves can date from a year or two earlier than this return. (The sample entry shown on this scan is taken from a Bristol return. Each entry has two scans, the other being the facing page with the details of the indenture, length of service, and payment of duty.) IR 1/53HEWLITT. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Masters of Apprentices registered in Shropshire
(1777) Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's name, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. There are central registers for collections of the stamp duty in London, as well as returns from collectors in the provinces. These collectors generally received duty just from their own county, but sometimes from further afield. The indentures themselves can date from a year or two earlier than this return. (The sample entry shown on this scan is taken from a Bristol return. Each entry has two scans, the other being the facing page with the details of the indenture, length of service, and payment of duty.) IR 1/60HEWLITT. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Clerks and apprentices
(1783) Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's name, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. 2 January to 21 June 1783. IR 1/31HEWLITT. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Shareholders of the Northamptonshire Union Bank
(1838) The provincial banks of England and Wales made annual returns to the Stamp Office of their proprietors or shareholders. These returns, registered in March 1838, from the 103 banks then in existence, contain the full names and addresses of nearly 30,000 shareholders.HEWLITT. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| English lawyers
(1841) The Royal Kalendar has a Law Department listing justices and officials of the High Court of Chancery; Masters in Chancery; Crown Office; Six Clerks Office; Register Office in Chancery Lane; Office of Reports and Entries; Affidavit Office; Hanaper Office; Examiner's Office; Petty Bag and Cursitors Office; Subpoena Office; Lord Chancellors officers; Vice-Chancellor's officers; officers to the Master of the Rolls; the Public Record Office at Rolls House; the Court of Bankruptcy; the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors; Court of Queen's Bench; Court of Common Pleas; Court of Exchequer; Exchequer Office of Pleas; Register of Deeds in the county of Middlesex; Queen's Sergeants and Counsel; Duchy Court of Lancaster; County Palatine of Lancaster; and County Palatine of Durham; Marshalsea and Palace-Court; Court of Westminster; with lists of the Lord Lieutenants and Sheriffs in England and Wales; and officials of the Inns of Court. There is also a list of the committee of the Law Society of the United Kingdom.HEWLITT. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Persons of standing recommending London police recruits
(1830-1842) The Metropolitan Police Register of Joiners (MEPO 333/4) lists policemen joining the force through to 31 December 1842 (to warrant number 19892). The register is alphabetical, in so far as the recruits are listed chronologically grouped under first letter of surname. It is evidently a continuation of a similar earlier register, not closed until its alphabetical sections were filled: consequently, there are no entries in this register for the initial letters N, O, Q, U, V, X, Y or Z; and the sections of this register start at different dates - A 18 April 1840 (warrant number 16894); B 11 December 1830 (5570); C 7 September 1830 (4988); D 27 May 1833 (8445); E 15 December 1838 (14476); F 30 March 1832 (7372); G 1 December 1835 (11,184); H 25 April 1832 (7457); I and J 13 February 1837 (12449); K 2 January 1838 (13457); L 3 October 1834 (9905); M 15 November 1832 (7999); P 4 October 1831 (6869); R 4 September 1837 (13021); S 30 March 1835 (10366); T 6 April 1840 (16829); W 30 December 1833 (9096). The register gives Date of Appointment, Name, Number of Warrant, Cause of Removal from Force (resigned, dismissed, promoted or died), and Date of Removal. Those recruits not formerly in the police, the army, or some government department, were required to provide (normally) at least two letters of recommendation from persons of standing, and details of these are entered on the facing pages: the names in these are indexed here (the police recruits are indexed separately and not included here). Recruits transferred from other forces or rejoining the force did not normally need recommendations - in the latter case, former warrant numbers are given - but some recommendations are from police inspectors, even other constables. Recruits coming from the army sometimes have general military certificates of good conduct, but most often have a letter from their former commanding officer; recruits recommended by government departments (most often the Home Office) similarly have letters from the head of department. But the great majority of the names and addresses in these pages are of respectable citizens having some sort of personal acquaintance with the recruit. Where more than two recommendations were provided, the clerk would only record one or two, with the words 'and others'. Tradesmen are sometimes identified as such by their occupations; there are some gentry. Although the great bulk of these names are from London and the home counties, a scattering are from further afield throughout Britain and Ireland. HEWLITT. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
(1848) Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad. July to December 1848.HEWLITT. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Traders and professionals in London
(1851) The Post Office London Directory for 1851 includes this 'Commercial and Professional Directory', recording about 80,000 individuals. HEWLITT. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Insolvents in Prison in Queen's Prison, Borough Road, London
(1853) Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette was issued monthly on the 1st of each month. Volume 28, for 1853, comprises issues numbers 325 to 336. The contents, compiled from the official sources, are mainly summaries of proceedings in the bankruptcy and insolvency courts, names of creditors, dissolution of partnerships and similar matters that would be of interest to the commercial world and their solicitors. This section, entitled 'Estates vested in Provisional Assignees' lists insolvents whose cases were dealt with in the Insolvent Court, whether on their own petitions or those of creditors. These twelve monthly issues cover the proceedings of the court from 4 December 1852 to 26 November 1853. Within each session the insolvents are listed alphabetically by surname, with address, occupation, and the name of the prison in which then held.HEWLITT. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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