Apprentices registered at Gloucester
(1723-1726) Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's father's name and address, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. There are central registers for collections of the stamp duty in London, as well as returns from collectors in the provinces. These collectors generally received duty just from their own county, but sometimes from further afield. Because of the delay before some collectors made their returns, this register includes indentures and articles from as early as 1722. (The sample entry shown on this scan is taken from a Norfolk return)HILLIKER. Cost: £8.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Apprentices registered in Somerset
(1741-1745) Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's father's name and address, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. There are central registers for collections of the stamp duty in London, as well as returns from collectors in the provinces. These collectors generally received duty just from their own county, but sometimes from further afield. (The sample entry shown on this scan is taken from a Norfolk return)HILLIKER. Cost: £8.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Apprentices and trainee clerks
(1763) Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty (late payment of the 6d rate attracted double duty (D D) of 12d): the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's name, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. 1 January to 9 December 1763.HILLIKER. Cost: £8.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Traders and Merchants in London
(1791) The Universal British Directory was published in five volumes, starting in 1791. The professions included in the London section are very diverse: the addresses are mostly from central London. Some are marked 'F. M.', meaning Freeholder of Middlesex.HILLIKER. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Inhabitants of Trowbridge in Wiltshire
(1790-1797) The provincial sections of the Universal British Directory include lists of gentry and traders from each town and the surrounding countryside, with names of local surgeons, lawyers, postmasters, carriers, &c. (the sample scan here is from the section for Nottingham). The directory started publication in 1791, but was not completed for some years, and the provincial lists, sent in by local agents, can date back as early as 1790 and as late as 1797.
HILLIKER. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Traders and Merchants in London
(1797) The Universal British Directory was published in five volumes, starting in 1791. The professions included in the London section are very diverse: the addresses are mostly from central London. The publication of the provincial volumes took several years, so this London supplement was added, compiled about 1797.HILLIKER. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Traders and professionals in London
(1805) Holden's Triennial Directory for 1805 to 1807 includes this 'London Alphabet of Businesses, Professions, &c.': coverage is good; about 30,000 individuals are recorded.HILLIKER. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
London Traders
(1814) The fifteenth edition of The Post-Office Annual Directory includes this 'List of More than 17,000 Merchants, Traders, &c. of London, and Parts Adjacent', arranged alphabetically by surname, with trade in italics, and address.HILLIKER. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
(1839) Insolvency notices for England and Wales: insolvency often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost linksHILLIKER. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
(1841) Insolvency notices for England and Wales: insolvency often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost linksHILLIKER. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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