Pitchforth Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'pitchforth'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 39 records (displaying 1 to 10): Single Surname Subscription | | Buying all 39 results of this search individually would cost £236.00. But you can have free access to all 39 records for a year, to view, to save and print, for £100. Save £136.00. More... |
These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. St Albans Archdeaconry Marriage Licences: Brides
(1638) Southern Hertfordshire lay in the archdeaconry of St Albans. Marriage licences registered in the archdeaconry act books from 1584 to 1639, and surviving bonds and allegations from 1611 to 1620, 1625 to 1627, 1633 to 1637 and 1661 to 1668 were abstracted by A. E. Gibbs and printed in volume 1 of the Herts Genealogist and Antiquary published in 1895. Both the act books and the bonds normally give full name and parish of bride and groom, and state whether the bride was maiden or widow. A widow's previous married surname is given, not her maiden surname. Occasionally (doubtless when a party was under age) a father's name is given. The later act books sometimes stated at what church the wedding was intended to be celebrated. The marriage bonds give the name of the bondsman or surety. The surety's surname is often the same as the bride or groom, and doubtless in most cases the bondsman was a father or close relative; but a few innkeepers and other tradesmen of St Albans also undertook this duty.PITCHFORTH. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Yorkshire West Riding Freeholders
(1817) A ballot was held at Wakefield 12 to 16 May 1817 for the choice of a new Register (registrar) for the West Riding Registry of Deeds, following the death of J. A. Busfeild esq. The candidates were Francis Hawksworth, esq. (1) and William Lister Fenton Scott esq. (2). 2544 freeholders voted, qualification being male adults in possession of at least £100 per annum. This alphabetical poll book was compiled from the scrutators' and poll clerks' books: it gives full name (surname first) and residence, as well as the situation of the qualifying freehold. Each man's name is preceded by a 1 or 2, indicating for whom his vote was cast.PITCHFORTH. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Deaths, Marriages, Bankrupts, Dividends and Patents
(1819-1820) Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, bankrupts and dividends, and patents, as reported in the Monthly Magazine or British Register. Includes some marriages and deaths from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
PITCHFORTH. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Deaths, Marriages, Bankrupts, Dividends and Patents
(1825-1826) Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, bankrupts and dividends, and patents, as reported in the Monthly Magazine or British Register. Includes some marriages and deaths from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
PITCHFORTH. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Insolvents
(1827) Insolvency notices for England and Wales: insolvency often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost linksPITCHFORTH. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| West Riding Freeholders, Electors and Inhabitants
(1835) The Leeds Times for 29 August 1835 (iii 130 1) carried this advertisement, entitled West Riding Meeting: Municipal Reform: 'WE, the undersigned FREEHOLDERS, ELECTORS, and INHABITANTS of the WEST-RIDING of the County of YORK, request our Fellow-Electors and Inhabitants to meet us, at the CORN MARKET, in WAKEFIELD, on MONDAY, the THIRTY-FIRST of AUGUST INST., At Eleven o’Clock in the Forenoon, to express the Opinions of the Riding on the Measure of CORPORATION REFORM proposed by his Majesty’s Ministers, passed by the House of Commons, and subsequently mangled and transformed by the House of Lords; and to consider of the Propriety of addressing his Majesty and his Majesty’s Ministers, and of Petitioning the House of Commons on this important Measure.' There then follow the names, occupations and addresses of nearly 2000 signatories.
PITCHFORTH. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| British merchant seamen
(1835-1836) At this period, the foreign trade of ships plying to and from the British isles involved about 150,000 men on 15,000 ships; and the coasting trade about a quarter as many more. A large proportion of the seamen on these ships were British subjects, and so liable to be pressed for service in the Royal Navy; but there was no general register by which to identify them, so in 1835 parliament passed a Merchant Seamen's Registration Bill. Under this act this large register of British seamen was compiled, based on ships' crew lists gathered in British and Irish ports, and passed up to the registry in London. Each seaman was assigned a number, and the names were arranged in the register by first two letters of the surname (our sample scan shows one of the pages for 'Sm'); in addition, an attempt was made to separate out namesakes by giving the first instance of a name (a), the second (b), and so on. But no effective method was devised to prevent the same man being registered twice as he appeared in a second crew list; moreover, the original crew lists were clearly difficult for the registry clerks to copy, and some of the surname spellings appear to be corrupted. A parliamentary committee decided that the system devised did not answer the original problem, and this register was abandoned after less than two years: but it is an apparently comprehensive source for British merchant seamen in 1835 to 1836. The register records the number assigned to each man; his name; age; birthplace; quality (master, captain, mate, 2nd mate, mariner, seaman, fisherman, cook, carpenter, boy &c.); and the name and home port of his ship, with the date of the crew list (usually at the end of a voyage). Most of the men recorded were born in the British Isles, but not all (for instance, Charleston and Stockholm appear in the sample scan). The final column 'How disposed of' is rarely used, and indicates those instances where a man died, was discharged, or deserted his ship during the voyage.PITCHFORTH. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Bankrupts
(1838) Bankruptcy notices for England and Wales: bankruptcy often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost links
PITCHFORTH. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Dissolutions of Partnerships
(1838) Trade partnerships dissolved, or the removal of one partner from a partnership of several traders, in England and Wales
PITCHFORTH. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Petitioning Creditors and Solicitors
(1838) Principal creditors petitioning to force a bankruptcy (but often close relatives of the bankrupt helping to protect his assets): and solicitorsPITCHFORTH. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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