Prichet Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'prichet'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 6 records (displaying 1 to 6):
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Inhabitants of Warwickshire
(1332) This lay subsidy roll for Warwickshire records the tax of a tenth and a fifteenth on the laity of the county at Michaelmas 1332. The record is arranged by boroughs, ancient demesnes, and hundreds, and within hundreds by township. The roll was translated and edited by William Fowler Carter and published by the Dugdale Society in 1926, with an appendix printing the lay subsidy rolls for Stratford-upon-Avon of 1309, 1313 and 1332, and a brief extract from an assize roll of 1323 inquiring about irregularities in the levying of the tax.PRICHET. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Inhabitants of London
(1314-1337) Letter Book E of the City of London contains enrolments of recognizances between inhabitants, particularly citizens, for sums of money lent or due; grants of pieces of land or property; and various records relating to the city administration, minor infractions, &c.
PRICHET. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Inhabitants of London
(1352-1374) Letter Book G of the City of London contains enrolments of recognizances between inhabitants, particularly citizens, for sums of money lent or due; grants of pieces of land or property; and various records relating to the city administration.
PRICHET. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Inhabitants of London
(1375-1399) Letter Book H of the City of London contains enrolments of recognizances between inhabitants, particularly citizens, for sums of money lent or due; grants of pieces of land or property; and various records relating to the city administration.
PRICHET. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Treasury Books
(1713) Records of the Treasury administration in Britain, America and the colonies, for 1713. Also includes Queen Anne's Civil List (royal expenditure) Lottery papers: payment of the royal servants had fallen two years in arrear: Parliament passed an Act allowing the queen to raise half a million pounds by pledging 32 years' future income: she did this by means of a lottery.
PRICHET. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Inhabitants of Birmingham
(1850) Francis White & Co.'s History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Warwickshire for 1850 lists nobility, gentry, clergy, other private residents, farmers and traders, hundred by hundred and village by village, with separate sections for the large towns. This long alphabetical section lists inhabitants of Birmingham.PRICHET. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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