Prikler Surname Ancestry Results
Our indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'prikler'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 1 record (displaying 1 to 1): Try these... prike prikebrude prikefeyld prikeffelde prikehare prikehors prikel prikelowe prikemer prikemere prikeproud prikeputte priker prikere priket priketon prikke prikkelove prikkett prikl' prikonfeld pril prilaux prilie prill prillard prille prilleston prillevitz prilli prillis prilljohns prillok prilly prillyk prim primack primak primales primalt These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site.
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