Schyrreve Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'schyrreve'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 2 records (displaying 1 to 2):
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Indults for Portable Altars: Diocese of Norwich
(1404-1415) Individuals (laymen, monks or priests) could obtain indults or indulgences from the Pope to possess portable altars, enabling them to do their devotions in unconsecrated places. The fee was 10 groats for one person, 12 for two (frequently a husband and wife). Lists of these indults, headed De Altaris Portatilibus, were entered in the Lateran Regesta in the Vatican archives; from the reigns of popes Innocent VII to John XXIII (1404 to 1415) there are such lists in volumes CXIX, CXXXI, CLIX to CLXI, CLXV, CLXVII and CLXXXIV, from the first year of Innocent VII, the second year of Gregory XII, and the second to fifth years of John XXIII. Those relating to the British Isles were copied and translated by J. A. Twemlow, and printed under the direction of the Master of the Rolls in 1904. The diocese of Norwich covered Norfolk and Suffolk.SCHYRREVE. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Plenary Remission of Sins: Diocese of Norwich
(1404-1415) Individuals (laymen, monks or priests) could obtain indults or indulgences from the Pope that a confessor of their choice might give them, being penitent, plenary remission of sins, once only, in articulo mortis. Lists of these indults, headed De Plenaria Remissione, were entered in the Lateran Regesta in the Vatican archives; from the reigns of popes Innocent VII to John XXIII (1404 to 1415) there are such lists in volumes CXIX, CXXXI, CLIX to CLXI, CLXV, CLXVII and CLXXXIV, from the first year of Innocent VII, the second year of Gregory XII, and the second to fifth years of John XXIII. Those relating to the British Isles were copied and translated by J. A. Twemlow, and printed under the direction of the Master of the Rolls in 1904. The diocese of Norwich covered Norfolk and Suffolk.SCHYRREVE. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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