Suryanarayanan Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'suryanarayanan'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 2 records (displaying 1 to 2):
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(1918) The Law List for 1918 includes this 'List of Counsel, Special Pleaders, and Conveyancers at the Bar'. Each name is given in full, surname first; then the name of the Inn of Court as an abbreviation (G., Gray's Inn; I., Inner Temple; L., Lincoln's Inn; M., Middle Temple; and D. C. for Doctors' Commons) and date at which called to the bar. Barristers in practice are usually furnished with an address, and there are some abbreviated references to judicial awards and appointments. An asterisk signifies an Equity Draughtsman and Conveyancer.SURYANARAYANAN. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Student Electrical Engineers (Student I. E. E.)
(1939) The Institution of Electrical Engineers was founded in 1871 under the name of The Society of Telegraph Engineers, and incorporated by royal charter in 1921. The list of members, corrected to 1 September 1939, gives the names and addresses of the various grades of members. Members (M. I. E. E.) and Associate Members (A. M. I. E. E.) were entitled to describe themselves as Chartered Electrical Engineers. Then there are the Associates (Associate I. E. E.), Companions (Companion I. E. E.), Graduates (Graduate I. E. E.) and Students (Student I. E. E.). The names are given in bold, surname first; before each name is the year of attaining that grade; and for the higher grades the year of each lower grade is also given, e. g. (G. 1931).SURYANARAYANAN. Cost: £4.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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