Carp Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'carp'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 20 records (displaying 1 to 10): Single Surname Subscription | | Buying all 20 results of this search individually would cost £112.00. But you can have free access to all 20 records for a year, to view, to save and print, for £100. Save £12.00. More... |
These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Patent Rolls: entries for Northamptonshire
(1279-1280) Calendars of the patent rolls of the reign of king Edward I are printed in the Calendars of State Papers: but these cover only a fraction of the material on the rolls. From 1881 to 1889 the reports of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Record Office also include calendars of other material from the rolls - about five times as many entries as in the State Papers - predominantly mandates to the royal justices to hold sessions of oyer and terminer to resolve cases arising locally; but also other general business. The calendar for the 8th year of king Edward I [20 November 1279 to 19 November 1280], hitherto unindexed, is covered here.CARP. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| London, Essex and Hertfordshire clerks, clerics, monks and clergy
(1361-1374) Ordinations to first tonsure, acolytes, subdeacons, deacons and priests, from the register of bishop Simon de Sudbury of London. London diocese covered Middlesex, Essex and part of Hertfordshire; the ordinations also attracted many persons from distant dioceses bearing letters dimissory from their ordinaries, and these are duly noted in the text. Many of these clerks would not go on to obtain benefices and remain celibate. The lists of subdeacons, deacons and priests state the clerks' respective titles, i. e., give the names of the person or religious house undertaking to support them. Monks and friars ('religious') are listed separately, and the lists of subdeacons, deacons and priests are also separated into beneficed and not beneficed (or 'not promoted'). The acolyte lists are unusual in giving a parish or diocese of origin.CARP. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Fine Rolls
(1377-1383) The fine rolls of the 1st to 6th years of the reign of king Richard II record part of the government administration in England, with orders sent out day by day to individual officers, and commitment of particular responsibilities and duties. There is also some material relating to Wales, Scotland, Ireland and the English possessions in France. CARP. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Apprentices registered in Scotland
(1750-1754) Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's father's name and address, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. There are central registers for collections of the stamp duty in London, as well as returns from collectors in the provinces and from Scotland. (The sample entry shown on this scan is taken from a Norfolk return)CARP. Cost: £8.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Marines on board H. M. S. Defence
(1796-1798) His Majesty's ship the Defence took part in the destruction of the French fleet in Aboukir Bay at the mouth of the Nile ('the Battle of the Nile') on the evening of the 1st and morning of the 2nd August 1798. This is the muster book for 1 July to 31 August 1798: being a continuation book in a series covering wages and victualling from October 1796, it also includes the names of some men who had died, deserted or been discharged from the ship from then to July 1798. CARP. Cost: £8.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Masters of apprentices and clerks
(1803) Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's name, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. 3 January to 31 December 1803. IR 1/39CARP. Cost: £8.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Staffordshire Villages Directory: Haunton
(1818) The Staffordshire General and Commercial Directory was published by W. Parson and T. Bradshaw in 1818 in thirty sections for the major towns, followed by lists for the separate villages. In each village the traders are listed alphabetically under surname, with occupation.CARP. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Merchant Seamen
(1835-1844) At this period, the foreign trade of ships plying to and from the British isles involved about 150,000 men on 15,000 ships; and the coasting trade about a quarter as many more. A large proportion of the seamen on these ships were British subjects, and so liable to be pressed for service in the Royal Navy; but there was no general register by which to identify them, so in 1835 parliament passed a Merchant Seamen's Registration Bill. Under this act a large register of British seamen was compiled, based on ships' crew lists gathered in British and Irish ports, and passed up to the registry in London. A parliamentary committee decided that the system devised did not answer the original problem, and the register was abandoned after less than two years: the system was then restarted in this form, with a systematic attempt to attribute the seamen's (ticket) numbers, and to record successive voyages. The register records the number assigned to each man; his name; age; birthplace; quality (S = seaman, &c.); and the name and official number of his ship, with the date of the crew list (usually at the end of a voyage). Most of the men recorded were born in the British Isles, but not all. The system was still very cumbersome, because the names were amassed merely under the first two letters of surname; an attempt was made to separate out namesakes by giving the first instance of a name (a), the second (b), and so on. In this volume the register is restarted from 1840 onwards, with the mariner's previous number (if any) being entered in the column after his birthplace. In the event of it becoming known that a man had died during the course of a voyage, that information is written across the remaining empty columns. This volume (BT 112/11) covers mariners whose surnames start with Ca (and McCa).CARP. Cost: £8.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Insolvents
(1855) Insolvency notices for England and Wales: insolvency often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost linksCARP. Cost: £6.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Traders and professionals in London
(1856) The Post Office London Directory for 1856 includes this 'Commercial and Professional Directory', recording over 100,000 individuals. CARP. Cost: £4.00.  | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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