Add this eBook to your basket to receive access to all 11,865 records. Our indexes include entries for the spelling smith. In the period you have requested, we have the following 11,865 records (displaying 11,051 to 11,060): These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Wanted by the police in Warwickshire
(1923) The Police Gazette was published by Authority by the London Metropolitan Police, and circulated, as confidential, to the police forces throughout Britain and Ireland. The contents were based on the information routinely submitted to the Criminal Record Office. One of the regular features was a section entitled Apprehensions Sought, in which each police force gave details of people for whom arrest warrants had been issued and were now on their Wanted list. The details given are: the name of the police authority (in bold) seeking an arrest; a brief description of the crime; the suspect's full name (in bold); C. R. O. number, year of birth, height, complexion, hair colour, eye colour, distinguishing marks such as scars; clothing &c. There then follows a resume of previous convictions. Variations of surname spelling and aliases are noted in the descriptions, and these variants and aliases have also been indexed. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Wanted by the police in Worcestershire
(1923) The Police Gazette was published by Authority by the London Metropolitan Police, and circulated, as confidential, to the police forces throughout Britain and Ireland. The contents were based on the information routinely submitted to the Criminal Record Office. One of the regular features was a section entitled Apprehensions Sought, in which each police force gave details of people for whom arrest warrants had been issued and were now on their Wanted list. The details given are: the name of the police authority (in bold) seeking an arrest; a brief description of the crime; the suspect's full name (in bold); C. R. O. number, year of birth, height, complexion, hair colour, eye colour, distinguishing marks such as scars; clothing &c. There then follows a resume of previous convictions. Variations of surname spelling and aliases are noted in the descriptions, and these variants and aliases have also been indexed. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Boys entering Haileybury College, Hertfordshire
(1924) Haileybury College, near Hertford, was founded by the East India Company in 1806, and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1864. This register of pupils entering the school from 1862 to 1931 was edited by a master there, Laurence Arthur Speakman. The boys are listed by term of joining the school, and then alphabetically by name (in bold), surname first (in capitals). There is then usually a precise birthdate, and the name and address of his father; his period at the school, starting with abbreviations to indicate the house to which he belonged (B., Batten; B. F., Bartle Frere; C., Colvin; E., Edmonstone; Ha., Hailey; Hi., Highfield; L., Lawrence; Le B., Le Bas; M., Melvill; Th., Thomason; T., Trevelyan), and the first and last forms attended (e. g., IV., fourth form). Where a member of a school team there is then an indication (e. g., XI., cricket).
| Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Boys entering King William's College, Isle of Man
(1924) King William's College at Castletown on the Isle of Man was established in 1830. By 1928 about 290 boys were being educated there, 'of whom three-fourths are boarders, and the remainders sons of natives or residents in the Island.' Boys entered the junior school about 9 or 10 years of age, the upper school about 13; boys over 13 were not admitted 'unless attainments and character are specially satisfactory'. There were 'several nominations for the sons of clergy and others'.
Editions of the college register were published in 1905 and 1927. When this third edition was prepared, in 1956, it was felt unnecessary to repeat the whole of the register from 1830 onwards, a new starting point being chosen as September 1886, when the reverend Frank Bridgman Walters took office as principal.
The items are arranged alphabetically within term of entry; surname is given first, in bold, and then full christian names; then, to the right, in bold, precise date of birth, school house, and month of leaving the school. The abbreviations for houses are: C, Colbourne; D, Dickson; H, Hunt; Ha, Hangoside; J, Junior House; R, Raglan; S, School House (formerly Principal's); T, town houses occupied by masters who took in boys prior to September 1889; Tr, Trafford's; W, Walters.
Each entry then gives the boy's father's name (surname and initials) and address at that time; school honours (such as Prae., praepositor, XI, school cricket team); a career synopsis; and finally, in italics, to the right, year of death, or present address in 1956, if known. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Boys entering Manchester Grammar School
(1924) This Biographical Register of Old Mancunians lists boys alphabetically by year of entering the school. A bare register of entrants existed from 1888 onwards but it was only since the Second World War that any kind of detailed record was kept of those who passed through the school. So, in every case in this printed register, full name is given, in bold, surname first (in capitals); date of birth, and years attending the school; but for the earlier years sometimes there is no more information - or, equally, after investigation among Old Mancunians and published sources, the editors may have been able to furnish a condensed biography. An asterisk indicates a holder of a Foundation Scholarship. In the later years a current address is also given, as of 1964 to 1965, when the book was prepared. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Boys entering Marlborough College
(1924) The public school at Marlborough in Wiltshire was founded in 1843. In 1952 this, 9th, edition of the college register was published, being a revision by L. Warwick James of the 8th edition (of 1936): but for the years before 1936 it does not merely repeat the 8th edition, because Warwick James was able to correct the 19th-century entries with information from newly-discovered letters and books from 1843 to 1853, and the school lists from 1844 onwards. The roll is arranged by year, and within each year by term of entrance, and then alphabetically by surname within each term. Each boy is assigned a number within the year: then his name is given, surname first, and, in brackets, his house. The houses within the college were called B1, B2, B3, C1, C2 and C3, and the Lower School (L Sch); the out college houses were Preshute, Priory, Cotton, Hermitage, Littlefield, Barton Hill, Summerfield and Upcot. Then there is given the boy's father's name (surname and initials) and address (at entrance), the boy's date of birth (b) and month of leaving (l). Where the boy represented the school at Rugby football (XV) or cricket (XI), in the rifle corps (VIII, or RC XI), that is indicated. There is a brief summary of achievements in later life, and, where known, and date of death or (in italics) address as in 1952. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Breeders of Shorthorn Cattle
(1924) Coates's Herd Book, published annually by the Shorthorn Society of Great Britain and Ireland, although mainly devoted to the pedigrees of the cattle, also has some human content. New Series volume 70, for births of cattle in 1923, was published in October 1924. It includes lists of breeders; judges ; owners of beasts that won prizes in 1923; and a list of members of the society corrected to July 1924. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Judges of Shorthorn Cattle
(1924) Coates's Herd Book, published annually by the Shorthorn Society of Great Britain and Ireland, although mainly devoted to the pedigrees of the cattle, also has some human content. New Series volume 70, for births of cattle in 1923, was published in October 1924. It includes lists of breeders; judges ; owners of beasts that won prizes in 1923; and a list of members of the society corrected to July 1924. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Members of the Shorthorn Society
(1924) Coates's Herd Book, published annually by the Shorthorn Society of Great Britain and Ireland, although mainly devoted to the pedigrees of the cattle, also has some human content. New Series volume 70, for births of cattle in 1923, was published in October 1924. It includes lists of breeders; judges ; owners of beasts that won prizes in 1923; and a list of members of the society corrected to July 1924. In the membership list an obelus before the name indicates a Life Member. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Boys entering Aldenham School
(1925) Aldenham School in Hertfordshire is a public school originating as an Elizabethan grammar school. The Aldenham School Register was first published in 1898, but this tenth edition, by R. J. Evans, and published in 1969, comprised only living old boys who had entered the school from 1900 onwards, together with those who had entered the school before 1900 and who had responded to a questionnaire. There is thus a general presumption that all the boys mentioned were alive in 1969. The boys are listed alphabetically by surname under the term in which they entered the school. Full name is given, in bold, surname first. Then an abbreviation indicating their house (B, Beevor's; K, Kennedy's; M, McGill's; P, Paull's; SH, School House); the period of stay at the school; address as of 1969; father's name, occupation and residence (where the father had also studied at the school, his name is given in capitals with the year of his entry); brief details of any achievements at the school (particularly at sports); and the briefest of details of subsequent career. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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