Our indexes include entries for the spelling smith. In the period you have requested, we have the following 11,865 records (displaying 9,691 to 9,700):
Women Students Entering Stockwell Teacher Training College: Married Surname
(1891) This list, revised to August 1908, gives the student's name and her then address (if known); the Remarks column indicates whether she left the course early; left the profession; went abroad; died; became a headmistress; and/or married: married name is often given. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Anglicans in Belgrave, Leicestershire
(1892) The new Anglican church of St Michael and All Angels, Belgrave, was consecrated 22 September 1887, and it was assigned an ecclesiastical district comprising about two thirds of this suburb of Leicester. A monthly parish magazine was started in January 1891. The issue for August 1892 included parish news; baptisms (with date of baptism and full name of the child), marriages (with date of marriage and full names of groom and bride), and one burial (with date of burial, full name, address and age of deceased); and accounts for the fete and sale of work, and subscriptions to the working party. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Anglicans in Belgrave, Leicestershire
(1892) The new Anglican church of St Michael and All Angels, Belgrave, was consecrated 22 September 1887, and it was assigned an ecclesiastical district comprising about two thirds of this suburb of Leicester. A monthly parish magazine was started in January 1891. The issue for January 1892 included parish news; baptisms (with date of baptism and full name of the child), marriages (with date of marriage and full names of groom and bride), and burials (with date of burial, full name, address and age of deceased); and subscriptions to the organ fund, subscriptions to the curates fund, and to the Additional Curates Society. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Anglicans in Belgrave, Leicestershire
(1892) The new Anglican church of St Michael and All Angels, Belgrave, was consecrated 22 September 1887, and it was assigned an ecclesiastical district comprising about two thirds of this suburb of Leicester. A monthly parish magazine was started in January 1891. The issue for March 1892 included parish news; baptisms (with date of baptism and full name of the child), marriages (with date of marriage and full names of groom and bride), and burials (with date of burial, full name, address and age of deceased); and subscriptions to the organ fund, as well as a list of Sunday School prizes. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Bedfordshire Beekeepers (1892) Reports of the Bedfordshire Bee-Keepers' Association in the British Bee Journal
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Beekeepers (1892) Beekeepers mentioned in the British Bee Journal
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Blankney Beekeepers (1892) Report of the honey and bee exhibits at Blankney Floral and Horticultural Exhibition 3 August 1892
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Boys entering Brighton College
(1892) This edition of the Brighton College Register was published in 1922. The plan of the publication was to list boys by year or, later, term of entry. Each name is assigned a sequential number, 5000 boys, in all, being recorded. Full name is given (surname first, in bold); year of birth; year of leaving; and then (wherever the compiler had such information) a short biography, ending with date of death, where known. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Boys entering Dover College
(1892) The second edition of the Dover College Register, edited by William Stevens Lee, lists all boys entering the school from its opening in 1871 to the date of publication in 1899. The boys are listed alphabetically by term of entry, surname and full christian names. A double dagger after the name indicates a school prefect. Next comes the year or date of birth, then abbreviations indicating house - [D] day boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's House; [St.] Steedman's House; [W.] Walters' from 1881 to 1886, Williams' from 2nd term 1890 to 3rd term 1898; [L.] Littlewood's (the same house as Walters') fom 3rd term 1886 to 1st term 1890. From 3rd term of 1892 onwards the names were changed to [S.] School House; [P.] Priory House (was Sparke's); [M.] St Martin's (was Williams'). Moreover, in January 1893 the Junior School was established at West Mount, and from then onwards [J] indicates a period there. Next come distinctions gained in the school, exhibitions, &c., and athletic distinctions, such as XI for membership of the school cricket eleven, XV for the school football team, with years; then date of leaving; distinctions gained since leaving; and present address (where known) as of 1899. Despite this attempt at comprehensive coverage, the materials to hand for compiling the register were often lacking: at worst, in the early years, there are a handful of entries where only the surname is given. Equally, other entries are detailed and comprehensive. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
Boys entering Haileybury College, Hertfordshire
(1892) Haileybury College, near Hertford, was founded by the East India Company in 1806, and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1864. This register of pupils entering the school from 1862 to 1931 was edited by a master there, Laurence Arthur Speakman. The boys are listed by term of joining the school, and then alphabetically by name (in bold), surname first (in capitals). There is then usually a precise birthdate, and the name and address of his father; his period at the school, starting with abbreviations to indicate the house to which he belonged (B., Batten; B. F., Bartle Frere; C., Colvin; E., Edmonstone; Ha., Hailey; Hi., Highfield; L., Lawrence; Le B., Le Bas; M., Melvill; Th., Thomason; T., Trevelyan), and the first and last forms attended (e. g., IV., fourth form). Where a member of a school team there is then an indication (e. g., XI., cricket). For some pupils, with whom the school had lost touch, Speakman was only able to record the details of their time at Haileybury; but for most a brief career synopsis is then given, and current address (as in 1931) or date of death.
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