Add this eBook to your basket to receive access to all 11,865 records. Our indexes include entries for the spelling smith. In the period you have requested, we have the following 11,865 records (displaying 7,641 to 7,650): These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Boys entering Cheltenham College
(1859) Cheltenham College 'was founded in order to provide for the sons of gentlemen a Classical, Mathematical, and General Education of the highest order, on moderate terms, in strict conformity with the principles and doctrines of the Church of England.'
Andrew Alexander Hunter, the college registrar, compiled the first edition of the College Register in four parts from 1883 to 1886: these merely listed the boys by term of entry, with their dates of birth and names and addresses of their fathers. Circulars were also sent out to all Old Cheltonians whose addresses were known, requesting additional details. On the basis of the returns from these and Hunter's further researches, this much fuller register was published in 1890.
The information after each boy's name is given (where known and applicable) in this format: father's full name and address as of the time the boy entered the college; class and department on entering the college (classes being number from 1 downwards, and these again divided into A and B, some into C and D, others into P (Principal's side) and V. P. (Vice-Principal's side) - 1A was the highest class in each department: besides this, certain others were called Addiscombe, Woolwich, Civil, Direct, Line, Sandhurst, Naval, Special, Preparatory, Latin, and India Civil) and the same on leaving, name of Boarding House (or 'Day Boy'), scholastic and athletic honours attained at the college, and subsequent career (including date and place of death, or present address in 1890, if known). | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Boys entering Leeds Grammar School: Upper (Classical) Department
(1859) The admission books for Leeds Grammar School from 1820 to 1900 were edited by Edmund Wilson and published in 1906. The series of registers is almost complete for the period, there being in addition admission registers for the Lower (or Commercial) Department from 1856 to 1865, and lists of boys in the school in 1856, and in the Commercial Department in 1861. The entries are arranged by date or term of admission: a sequential number is given first, then surname, christian name, and, after a dash, father's christian name, occupation, and address; another dash, and then the age of the boy at admission, and often his year of leaving (with the abbreviation r. for 'removed' or 'left'). r.* means left without notice; (o) or S. or Stranger or Foreigner indicates a boy not on the foundation. The editor was unable to divine the meaning of the abbreviation (Q) or the asterisks prefixed to most entries in 1856 to 1860, but dutifully copies them into the text. In smaller type he then proceeds, where possible, to add some information about the boy's subsequent career. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Civil Service Certificates
(1859) The Civil Service Commission published this annual list of all persons who had obtained certificates of qualification for appointment in the various public departments. The list gives full name (surname first); department (such as Post Office, or Inland Revenue); situation (such as Letter-carrier, or Clerk); and date of certificate. Candidates whose names are preceded by a dagger obtained appointments as the result of competition. A double dagger shows those who obtained their appointments as the result of open competition. Those whose names are preceded by an asterisk obtained honorary additions to their certificates either for proficiency in extra subjects chosen by themselves, or for marked proficiency in the prescribed subjects.
| Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Civil Service Certificates: Honorary Additions
(1859) The Civil Service Commission published this annual list of all persons who had obtained certificates of qualification for appointment in the various public departments. The list gives full name (surname first); department (such as Post Office, or Inland Revenue); situation (such as Letter-carrier, or Clerk); and date of certificate. Candidates whose names are preceded by a dagger obtained appointments as the result of competition. A double dagger shows those who obtained their appointments as the result of open competition. Those whose names are preceded by an asterisk obtained honorary additions to their certificates either for proficiency in extra subjects chosen by themselves, or for marked proficiency in the prescribed subjects.
There is also this separate list of candidates who had obtained Honorary Additions to their Certificates in this way. This list gives name (surname and initials); position in the service (department and situation); subjects for which honorary additions were made; and 'extent of knowledge displayed' (such as Creditable, Fair, or Very Creditable). | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Classics students at Cambridge University
(1859) Tripos lists or examination results for the year, arranged by class (First, Second and Third), and within each class in order of score in the examination (students getting exactly equal marks are bracketed together with the note 'AEq.'). Each student's surname and college is given: this list was printed in 1890, and was annotated with asterisks to show which students had subsequently become fellows of the university; and with footnotes showing those who became headmasters, &c., elsewhere. In each year two students were singled out for the Chancellor's Medals, and these are marked, (A) for senior, (B) for junior (or with a paragraph mark if adjudged of equal merit). These lists are particularly useful in identifying for an individual the fellow-students who will have attended lectures with him; and, where from the college, are likely to have been even more closely associated by having been under the same supervisor. (The sample scan is from the start of the Mathematics Tripos list for 1770) | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Mathematics students at Cambridge University
(1859) Tripos lists or examination results for the year, arranged by class (Wranglers, Senior Optimes and Junior Optimes), and within each class in order of score in the examination (the names of candidates with equal scores are bracketed together, with the word 'AEq.'). Each student's surname and college is given: this list was printed in 1890, and was annotated with asterisks to show which students had subsequently become fellows of the university; and with footnotes showing those who became headmasters, &c., elsewhere. Winners of Dr Smith's Mathematical Prizes are marked (1) senior, (2) for junior. The Greek letter alpha is affixed to the names of those students who had gained first class results in the Classical Tripos; beta to those entered in the second class; and gamma to those entered in the third class. These lists are particularly useful in identifying for an individual the fellow-students who will have attended lectures with him; and, where from the college, are likely to have been even more closely associated by having been under the same supervisor. (The sample scan is from the start of the Mathematics Tripos list for 1770) | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Newcastle-upon-Tyne Voters: Freemen
(1859) In the general election of April 1859 the candidates for Newcastle-upon-Tyne the candidates were Thomas Emerson Headlam (H), George Ridley (R) and P. A. Taylor (T); the following June a poll was held to choose the Judge-Advocate General, the candidates being the Right Hon. T. E. Headlam (H) and William Cuthbert (C). This poll book lists all the voters, giving full name and address, and votes cast. The book is divided into two sections: freemen and householders. Within the householder section the names are arranged by parish or township: All Saints, Byker, Elswick, Heaton, Jesmond, St Andrew, St John, St Nicholas, and Westgate. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Newcastle-upon-Tyne Voters: Householders in All Saints
(1859) In the general election of April 1859 the candidates for Newcastle-upon-Tyne the candidates were Thomas Emerson Headlam (H), George Ridley (R) and P. A. Taylor (T); the following June a poll was held to choose the Judge-Advocate General, the candidates being the Right Hon. T. E. Headlam (H) and William Cuthbert (C). This poll book lists all the voters, giving full name and address, and votes cast. The book is divided into two sections: freemen and householders. Within the householder section the names are arranged by parish or township: All Saints, Byker, Elswick, Heaton, Jesmond, St Andrew, St John, St Nicholas, and Westgate. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Newcastle-upon-Tyne Voters: Householders in Elswick
(1859) In the general election of April 1859 the candidates for Newcastle-upon-Tyne the candidates were Thomas Emerson Headlam (H), George Ridley (R) and P. A. Taylor (T); the following June a poll was held to choose the Judge-Advocate General, the candidates being the Right Hon. T. E. Headlam (H) and William Cuthbert (C). This poll book lists all the voters, giving full name and address, and votes cast. The book is divided into two sections: freemen and householders. Within the householder section the names are arranged by parish or township: All Saints, Byker, Elswick, Heaton, Jesmond, St Andrew, St John, St Nicholas, and Westgate. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Newcastle-upon-Tyne Voters: Householders in Jesmond
(1859) In the general election of April 1859 the candidates for Newcastle-upon-Tyne the candidates were Thomas Emerson Headlam (H), George Ridley (R) and P. A. Taylor (T); the following June a poll was held to choose the Judge-Advocate General, the candidates being the Right Hon. T. E. Headlam (H) and William Cuthbert (C). This poll book lists all the voters, giving full name and address, and votes cast. The book is divided into two sections: freemen and householders. Within the householder section the names are arranged by parish or township: All Saints, Byker, Elswick, Heaton, Jesmond, St Andrew, St John, St Nicholas, and Westgate. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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