Add this eBook to your basket to receive access to all 11,865 records. Our indexes include entries for the spelling smith. In the period you have requested, we have the following 11,865 records (displaying 6,391 to 6,400): These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Outstanding British artillerymen
(1846-1848) Non-commissioned officers and men of the Royal Artillery discharged and recommended for medals and gratuities. The lists state rank, name, battalion or corps, date of recommendation, date awarded, and total length of service (in years and days), with length of foreign service (in years and days) and as serjeant and staff serjeant (in years and days). The lists themselves are basically of recommendations, then annotated to show award of medal and/or gratuity, which in most cases naturally followed. Where an award was not made, the reason is usually given. Where a man's name is crossed through it should not be assumed that he was deleted from the list: sometimes the name is crossed through when the medal has been dispatched. (The sample scan is from 1847) | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Bankrupts
(1848) Bankruptcy notices for England and Wales: bankruptcy often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost links
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| Bankrupts' Assignments
(1848) Assignments of bankrupts' estates (usually to principal creditors and/or close relatives of the bankrupt) in England and Wales | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Bankrupts' Estates
(1848) Bankrupts' estates for England and Wales vested in assignees: bankruptcy often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost links
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| Boys entering Brighton College
(1848) This edition of the Brighton College Register was published in 1922. The plan of the publication was to list boys by year or, later, term of entry. Each name is assigned a sequential number, 5000 boys, in all, being recorded. Full name is given (surname first, in bold); year of birth; year of leaving; and then (wherever the compiler had such information) a short biography, ending with date of death, where known. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Boys entering Cheltenham College
(1848) Cheltenham College 'was founded in order to provide for the sons of gentlemen a Classical, Mathematical, and General Education of the highest order, on moderate terms, in strict conformity with the principles and doctrines of the Church of England.'
Andrew Alexander Hunter, the college registrar, compiled the first edition of the College Register in four parts from 1883 to 1886: these merely listed the boys by term of entry, with their dates of birth and names and addresses of their fathers. Circulars were also sent out to all Old Cheltonians whose addresses were known, requesting additional details. On the basis of the returns from these and Hunter's further researches, this much fuller register was published in 1890.
The information after each boy's name is given (where known and applicable) in this format: father's full name and address as of the time the boy entered the college; class and department on entering the college (classes being number from 1 downwards, and these again divided into A and B, some into C and D, others into P (Principal's side) and V. P. (Vice-Principal's side) - 1A was the highest class in each department: besides this, certain others were called Addiscombe, Woolwich, Civil, Direct, Line, Sandhurst, Naval, Special, Preparatory, Latin, and India Civil) and the same on leaving, name of Boarding House (or 'Day Boy'), scholastic and athletic honours attained at the college, and subsequent career (including date and place of death, or present address in 1890, if known). | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Boys entering Harrow School
(1848) This First Volume of the Second Series of the Harrow School Register was edited by J. H. Stogdon and published in 1925. The boys are listed by term of entrance, and then alphabetically by surname and christian names (in bold). Next, in brackets and in italics, is the school house to which he belonged - or, H. B. indicating a day boy whose family lived in Harrow. Stogdon then gives the father's surname and initials, and address. In cases where the boy was prominent in sports at school, or won academic prizes, scholarships &c., that is given; then the year of leaving the school; and a synopsis of his career, so far as known.
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| Boys entering Leeds Grammar School
(1848) The admission books for Leeds Grammar School from 1820 to 1900 were edited by Edmund Wilson and published in 1906. The series of registers is almost complete for the period, there being in addition admission registers for the Lower (or Commercial) Department from 1856 to 1865, and lists of boys in the school in 1856, and in the Commercial Department in 1861. The entries are arranged by date or term of admission: a sequential number is given first, then surname, christian name, and, after a dash, father's christian name, occupation, and address; another dash, and then the age of the boy at admission, and often his year of leaving (with the abbreviation r. for 'removed' or 'left'). r.* means left without notice; (o) or S. or Stranger or Foreigner indicates a boy not on the foundation. The editor was unable to divine the meaning of the abbreviation (Q) or the asterisks prefixed to most entries in 1856 to 1860, but dutifully copies them into the text. In smaller type he then proceeds, where possible, to add some information about the boy's subsequent career. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Boys entering Marlborough College
(1848) The public school at Marlborough in Wiltshire was founded in 1843. In 1952 this, 9th, edition of the college register was published, being a revision by L. Warwick James of the 8th edition (of 1936): but for the years before 1936 it does not merely repeat the 8th edition, because Warwick James was able to correct the 19th-century entries with information from newly-discovered letters and books from 1843 to 1853, and the school lists from 1844 onwards. The roll is arranged by year, and within each year by term of entrance, and then alphabetically by surname within each term. Each boy is assigned a number within the year: then his name is given, surname first, and, in brackets, where a boarder, his house. The houses within the college were called B1, B2, B3, C1, C2 and C3, and the Lower School (L Sch); the out college houses were Preshute, Priory, Cotton, Hermitage, Littlefield, Barton Hill, Summerfield and Upcot. Then there is given the boy's father's name (surname and initials) and address (at entrance), the boy's date of birth (b) and month of leaving (l). Where the boy represented the school at Rugby football (XV) or cricket (XI), in the rifle corps (VIII, or RC XI), that is indicated. There is a brief summary of achievements in later life, and, where known, and date of death or (in italics) address as in 1952. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Boys entering Trinity College, Glenalmond
(1848) Trinity College, Glenalmond, Perthshire, was originally founded as a college at which young men might be trained for the ministry of the Scottish Episcopal Church, and the sons of the laity might be educated and brought up in the faith and tradition of the Church. In 1876 the Theological College was transferred to Edinburgh, Glenalmond remaining as a boys' school. This second edition of the school register, edited by G. St Quintin, was published in 1955, incorporating the text of the first edition prepared by E. W. Neish. The scholars are listed by term of entering the school, and then alphabetically by surname; the details then given are full christian names, date of birth; name of father; any distinctions within the school; and then a career synopsis, with date and place of death where known. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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