Add this eBook to your basket to receive access to all 11,865 records. Our indexes include entries for the spelling smith. In the period you have requested, we have the following 11,865 records (displaying 9,961 to 9,970): These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Outstanding soldiers of the Durham Light Infantry
(1881-1901) Each year the best soldiers of the regiment were chosen for long service and good conduct medals. This register gives rank, name, regimental number, and date of recommendation. (The sample scan is from the East Surrey regiment). The register is essentially a register of recommendations, annotated with details of the issue of the medals. Where no gratuity accompanied the medal, the entry is marked 'W. G.' (without gratuity); where, for one reason or another, the medal was not issued, the entry is marked 'N. S.' (not sanctioned) and struck through. The regiment was based on the 68th Regimental District - Sunderland. The 1st battalion embarked for India 10 February 1872 and in 1885 was at Allahabad; it returned from India 13 April 1887, and in 1893 was sent out to Ireland, and in 1895 was at Buttevant. Having come back to England in 1898, the first battalion was sent to South Africa in 1899, taking part in the Relief of Ladysmith, and the battles of Tugela Heights and Laing's Nek, adding "South Africa, 1899-1902" and "Relief of Ladysmith" to the regimental honours. The 2nd battalion embarked for Gibraltar in 1882; 14 February 1885 went to Egypt; and in 1887 was sent to India. In 1895 the battalion was stationed at Mhow. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Outstanding soldiers of the East Kent Regiment (The Buffs)
(1881-1901) Each year the best soldiers of the regiment were chosen for long service and good conduct medals. This register gives rank, name, regimental number, and date of recommendation. (The sample scan is from the East Surrey regiment). The register is essentially a register of recommendations, annotated with details of the issue of the medals. Where no gratuity accompanied the medal, the entry is marked 'W. G.' (without gratuity); where, for one reason or another, the medal was not issued, the entry is marked 'N. S.' (not sanctioned) and struck through. The regiment was based on the 3rd Regimental District - Canterbury. The first battalion returned from Bengal in 1879, and were stationed at Buttevant in 1885; 29 January of that year the men embarked for Malta, and went on to India, and were at Jullunder in 1895, and took part in the Chitral Relief Force, adding "Chitral" to the colours. The 2nd battalion embarked for Cape of Good Hope 3 October 1876, and in 1882 they arrived at Hong Kong from Singapore; in 1885 they were moved to Egypt (Frontier Field Force). The battalion returned from Egypt to England 29 April 1886, were sent to Ireland in 1892, and in 1895 were at Athlone. After a brief return to England in 1898, the second battalion was sent in 1899 to South Africa, taking part in the Boer war of 1899 to 1902, with the actions at Klip Kraal, Paardeberg, Kitchener's Kopje, Poplar Grove, Dreifontein, Bloemfontein, Bakenlaagte, &c., adding "South Africa, 1900-1902", "Relief of Kimberley" and "Paardeberg" to the regimental honours. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Outstanding soldiers of the East Lancashire Regiment
(1881-1901) Each year the best soldiers of the regiment were chosen for long service and good conduct medals. This register gives rank, name, regimental number, and date of recommendation. (The sample scan is from the East Surrey regiment). The register is essentially a register of recommendations, annotated with details of the issue of the medals. Where no gratuity accompanied the medal, the entry is marked 'W. G.' (without gratuity); where, for one reason or another, the medal was not issued, the entry is marked 'N. S.' (not sanctioned) and struck through. The regiment was based on the 30th Regimental District - Burnley. The 1st battalion embarked for Bengal in 1880, and in 1885 was stationed at Meean Meer; by 1895 it was at Lucknow, and took part in the Chitral Relief Force of that year. This added "Chitral" to the regimental honours. The battalion returned to England in 1900, but was almost immediately sent to South Africa, earning the distinction of "South Africa, 1900-02". The 2nd battalion returned from Ceylon and India in 1881 (having served in Afghanistan in 1878 to 1880, adding "Ahmad Khel" and "Afghanistan, 1878-80" to the colours), and in 1885 was stationed at Dover. In that year the battalion was moved to Ireland, from which it embarked for Gibraltar 21 January 1893. Returning to England briefly, the troops were sent off to India in 1897, and in 1906 were at Poona. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Outstanding soldiers of the East Yorkshire Regiment
(1881-1901) Each year the best soldiers of the regiment were chosen for long service and good conduct medals. This register gives rank, name, regimental number, and date of recommendation. (The sample scan is from the East Surrey regiment). The register is essentially a register of recommendations, annotated with details of the issue of the medals. Where no gratuity accompanied the medal, the entry is marked 'W. G.' (without gratuity); where, for one reason or another, the medal was not issued, the entry is marked 'N. S.' (not sanctioned) and struck through. The regiment was based on the 15th Regiment District - Beverley. The 1st battalion returned from Bermuda 28 December 1870, and by the beginning of 1885 was stationed at Sheffield; it embarked for Gibraltar 17 March 1885, and in 1886 went on to the West Indies; in 1888 to South Africa; in 1893 to Egypt; and in 1895 to India. The 2nd battalion embarked for India 2 February 1875 and by 1885 was stationed at Bombay. It took part in the Afghan War of 1879 to 1880, adding "Afghanistan, 1879-1880" to the regimental honours. 2 December 1888 the battalion returned to England (via Aden); in November 1894 it was moved to Ireland, and in 1895 was at Birr. In January 1900 the troops were moved to South Africa, where they added "South Africa, 1900-1902" to the colours. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Outstanding soldiers of the Essex Regiment
(1881-1901) Each year the best soldiers of the regiment were chosen for long service and good conduct medals. This register gives rank, name, regimental number, and date of recommendation. (The sample scan is from the East Surrey regiment). The register is essentially a register of recommendations, annotated with details of the issue of the medals. Where no gratuity accompanied the medal, the entry is marked 'W. G.' (without gratuity); where, for one reason or another, the medal was not issued, the entry is marked 'N. S.' (not sanctioned) and struck through. The regiment was based on the 44th Regimental District - Warley. The 1st battalion returned from India 28 November 1884, and in 1885 was stationed at Colchester, and in 1895 at Fermoy. The 2nd battalion embarked for Gibraltar in 1882, was in Egypt by 1884, adding "Nile, 1884-85" to the regimental honours. The battalion was moved to Malta in 1887; on to Cyprus in 1889; and thence to India in 1892, and was stationed at Lucknow by 1895. The battalion was then transferred to South Africa, where it gained the honours "South Africa, 1899-1902", "Relief of Kimberley" and "Paardeberg" for the regiment. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Outstanding soldiers of the Gloucestershire Regiment
(1881-1901) Each year the best soldiers of the regiment were chosen for long service and good conduct medals. This register gives rank, name, regimental number, and date of recommendation. (The sample scan is from the East Surrey regiment). The register is essentially a register of recommendations, annotated with details of the issue of the medals. Where no gratuity accompanied the medal, the entry is marked 'W. G.' (without gratuity); where, for one reason or another, the medal was not issued, the entry is marked 'N. S.' (not sanctioned) and struck through. The regiment was based on the 28th Regimental District - Bristol. The 1st battalion returned from the Straits Settlement to Ireland in 1879, was moved to England in 1882, and in 1885 was stationed at York; it was transferred back to Ireland in 1888, and next embarked for Malta 1 November 1893, and from there to India in 1897. Having been moved to South Africa in 1899, it took part in the South African war 1899 to 1900, before being transferred in 1900 to Ceylon. The 2nd battalion embarked for Malta in February 1878, and from their sailed for India in 1880; by 1885 it was stationed at Poona; it returned to England (via Aden) 28 November 1894, and in 1895 was stationed at Devonport. The 2nd battalion was also sent to South Africa in 1900, and added "South Africa, 1899-1902", "Defence of Ladysmith", "Relief of Kimberley" and "Paardeberg" to the regimental honours. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Outstanding soldiers of the Gordon Highlanders
(1881-1901) Each year the best soldiers of the regiment were chosen for long service and good conduct medals. This register gives rank, name, regimental number, and date of recommendation. (The sample scan is from the East Surrey regiment). The register is essentially a register of recommendations, annotated with details of the issue of the medals. Where no gratuity accompanied the medal, the entry is marked 'W. G.' (without gratuity); where, for one reason or another, the medal was not issued, the entry is marked 'N. S.' (not sanctioned) and struck through. The regiment was based on the 75th Regimental District - Aberdeen. The 1st battalion was moved from Malta to Egypt in 1882, and added "Egypt, 1882, 1884", "Tel-el-Kebir" and "Nile 1884-1885" to the regimental honours. It was moved to Malta in 1885; on to Ceylon in 1888; and from there to India in 1891, being stationed at Rawul Pindee by 1895. It took part in the Chitral Relief Force of 1895, and the North West Frontier campaign of 1897 to 1898, adding "Chitral" and "Tirah" to the honours. The battalion returned to Scotland in 1898, but was sent out for the South African war in 1899. The 2nd battalion was moved from India to South Africa in 1881, taking part in the Boer war, returned home in 1882, and by 1885 was stationed at Devonport. It was sent to the Channel Islands in 1885; to Ireland in 1887; and back to Scotland in 1891, and by 1895 was stationed at Glasgow. It was moved to England in 1896; to India in 1898; and to South Africa in 1899. The two battalions added "South Africa, 1899-1902", "Paardeberg" and "Defence of Ladysmith" to the colours. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Outstanding soldiers of the Grenadier Guards
(1881-1901) Each year the best soldiers of the regiment were chosen for long service and good conduct medals. This register gives rank, name, regimental number, and date of recommendation. (The sample scan is from the East Surrey regiment). The register is essentially a register of recommendations, annotated with details of the issue of the medals. Where no gratuity accompanied the medal, the entry is marked 'W. G.' (without gratuity); where, for one reason or another, the medal was not issued, the entry is marked 'N. S.' (not sanctioned) and struck through. The 1st battalion returned from Canada in 1864, and by 1885 was based at Dublin, and in 1895 was at Wellington barracks. The 2nd battalion returned from Egypt in 1882, and in 1885 was at the Tower of London. After another period of service abroad, it returned from Bermuda in 1891, and in 1895 was at Chelsea barracks. The 3rd battalion served in Egypt and the Soudan, adding "Egypt, 1882", "Tel-el-Kebir" and "Suakin, 1885" to the regimental honours; it returned from Egypt 10 September 1885, and was stationed at Windsor, and by 1895 at the Tower of London. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Outstanding soldiers of the Hampshire Regiment
(1881-1901) Each year the best soldiers of the regiment were chosen for long service and good conduct medals. This register gives rank, name, regimental number, and date of recommendation. (The sample scan is from the East Surrey regiment). The register is essentially a register of recommendations, annotated with details of the issue of the medals. Where no gratuity accompanied the medal, the entry is marked 'W. G.' (without gratuity); where, for one reason or another, the medal was not issued, the entry is marked 'N. S.' (not sanctioned) and struck through. The regiment was based on the 37th Regimental District - Winchester. The 1st battalion returned from India 5 April 1875, set off again for India in 1884 and by 1885 was stationed on Malta and in 1895 is found at Ranikhot in Bengal. The 2nd battalion embarked for India 1 November 1872 and in 1885 was at Cannanore in Madras. Moving to Burmah in that year, the battalion took part in the surrender of Mandalay ("Burmah, 1885-1887"); it returned to India in 1887, and from India to England 7 February 1888. In 1894 it was transferred to Ireland, and by 1895 was stationed at the Curragh. In 1900 the troops were sent to South Africa, and fought at Paardeberg, the occupation of Bloemfontein, the advance on and the occupation of Johannesburg and Pretoria ("South Africa, 1900-1902", "Paardeberg"). | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Outstanding soldiers of the Highland Light Infantry
(1881-1901) Each year the best soldiers of the regiment were chosen for long service and good conduct medals. This register gives rank, name, regimental number, and date of recommendation. (The sample scan is from the East Surrey regiment). The register is essentially a register of recommendations, annotated with details of the issue of the medals. Where no gratuity accompanied the medal, the entry is marked 'W. G.' (without gratuity); where, for one reason or another, the medal was not issued, the entry is marked 'N. S.' (not sanctioned) and struck through. The regiment was based on the 71st Regimental District - Hamilton. The 1st battalion returned from Gibraltar in 1880, and in 1885 was stationed at Dublin. It embarked for Malta 9 February 1895, and thence to South Africa ("South Africa, 1899-1902" and "Modder River"). The 2nd battalion left for Egypt in 1882, and there added "Egypt, 1882" and "Tel-el-Kebir" to the regimental honours. Having briefly returned to England, the battalion embarked for India 1 October 1884, and in 1885 was at Dugshai in Bengal, in 1895 at Fyzabad. It took part in the North West Frontier campaign of 1897 to 1898, and in 1899 moved on to Ceylon, returning to England in 1900. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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